Catherine Decorvet Trust Officer
BSc Business Psychology

Catherine Decorvet

Trust Officer
BSc Business Psychology
+41 58 450 80 00
Brandschenkestrasse 24
CH-8027 Zurich
  • Expertise

    Before joining our Zurich office as a Trust Officer in 2024, Catherine Decorvet spent 10 years working in the Legal sector, mainly in litigation and arbitration. Most recently, she worked as a Legal Assistant in an international law firm for four years and completed her studies part-time. Catherine holds a Bachelor's degree in Business Psychology from HSLU, Lucerne University.

  • Berufserfahrung und Ausbildung

    und Ausbildung

    2024Trust Officer, Lenz & Staehelin
    2023Legal Assistant, International law firm
    2019Legal Assistant, Swiss law firm
    2023HSLU, Bachelor of Science in Business Psychology
  • Fachgebiete

    Private Clients, Arbitration & Litigation
  • Sprachen

    German, English
  • Kontakt Details