Erica Russo Associate
Attorney at Law

Erica Russo

Attorney at Law
+41 58 450 70 00
Route de Chêne 30
CH-1211 Geneva
  • Expertise

    Erica Russo is an associate based at our Geneva office. Her main areas of expertise include competition/antitrust and public procurement law. Erica also specializes in the field of non-profit organisations, such as foundations and associations.

  • Tätigkeitsbereiche

  • Branchen

  • Berufserfahrung und Ausbildung

    und Ausbildung

    2024Associate at Lenz & Staehelin
    2022Trainee Lawyer at a Swiss law firm
    2023Swiss Bar Admission
    2021Geneva Bar School (CAS in Legal Professions)
    2021University of Geneva (MLaw in Economic Law)
    2019University of Geneva (BLaw)
  • Fachgebiete

    Competition and regulated markets, Commercial and contracts, Public Sector, Foundations and Philanthropy
  • Sprachen

    French, English, Italian
  • Mitgliedschaften

    Geneva Bar Association (OdA), Swiss Bar Association (SBA)
  • Kontakt Details