Isabel Guth-Wanner
Attorney at Law, LL.M.
Associate Attorney at Law, LL.M. +41 58 450 80 00 isabel.guth@lenzstaehelin.com |
Zurich Brandschenkestrasse 24 CH-8027 Zurich www.lenzstaehelin.com |
Isabel Guth-Wanner is an associate based at our Zurich office. She advises charities, Swiss and foreign private clients as well as banks and other financial service providers. Her areas of expertise include foundation matters, trusts, investments and funds, estate planning, regulatory matters such as anti-money laundering regulation, and general commercial and corporate law.
Berufserfahrung und Ausbildung
und Ausbildung
2021 Associate, Lenz & Staehelin 2018 Trainee Lawyer, business law firm in Zurich 2023 University of Brighton (LL.M. International Law and Social Justice) 2020 Swiss Bar Admission 2018 University of Lucerne (MLaw) 2017 University of Edinburgh (exchange semester) 2015 University of Basel (BLaw) -
Banking and Regulatory, Capital Markets, Private Clients, Charitable Institutions -
German, English -
Zurich Bar Association (ZAV), Swiss Bar Association (SAV) -
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