Miguel Oural
Attorney at Law, LL.M.
Partner Attorney at Law, LL.M. +41 58 450 70 00 miguel.oural@lenzstaehelin.com |
Geneva Route de Chêne 30 CH-1211 Geneva www.lenzstaehelin.com |
Miguel Oural is a partner in the Litigation group and divides his time between our offices in Geneva and Lausanne. He is an expert on national and international complex litigation, often advising individuals and corporate clients on various criminal law matters, including international mutual legal assistance. Miguel's other areas of practice include internal investigations, tort law, and commercial and contract law. Miguel is the former Chairman of the Geneva Bar (Bâtonnier).
Professional Experience and Education
and Education
2010 Partner at Lenz & Staehelin 2007-08 Foreign associate with Cuatrecasas Abogados, Barcelona 2003 Joined Lenz & Staehelin 2003 Duke University School of Law, Durham, North Carolina (LL.M.) 2001-02 Academic and Research Assistant at the University of Geneva, Tort and Contract Law 2001 Admission to Geneva Bar 1998 Universities of Geneva and Zurich (lic. iur.) -
Specialist Areas
Litigation and Arbitration, Criminal Law, International Legal Assistance, Tort Law, Commercial and Contracts, Investigations -
French, English, Spanish -
Former Chairman (Bâtonnier) of the Geneva Bar Association, Member of the criminal law commission of the Geneva Bar Association, Vice-President of the Geneva Bar School (ECAV), Swiss Bar Association (SAV) -
- Oural M., Cassani U., Commentaire des art. 284 et 285 CPP, in: Commentaire romand, Code de procédure pénale suisse, 2nd edition, Basel 2019
- Gurtner N., Oural M., Kinzer D., Le projet de nouvel art. 147a CPP: la balance perd l’équilibre, in: Revue de l'avocat, 10/2019, 415-419
- Müller D., Oural M., Legal Privilege & Professional Secrecy 2019 - Switzerland, in: Getting the Deal Through, May 2019, 66-71
- Oural M., L'[in]effectivité du secret professionnel - Peut-on protéger le produit du travail du service juridique dans les procédures ?, in: SWZ/RSAD, 2/19, 126-134
- Burkhardt M., Oural M., Tunik D., Müller D., Litigation 2019 - Switzerland, in: Chambers Global Practice Guide, 2019
- Oural M., Barmes M., The Asset Tracing and Recovery Review 2018 - Switzerland, in: The Law Reviews, 6th edition, September 2018, 375-388
- de Montmollin D., Oural M., Le Secret professionnel de l'avocat en grave danger face à l'avant-projet de révision de la LBA, in: Revue de l'avocat, 9/2018, 373-376
- Oural M., Des class actions à l’américaine bientôt en Suisse?, in: Le Temps, Focus Droit, 15 juin 2018
- Oural M., Modification des dispositions pénales incriminant la corruption, La Lettre du Conseil, Ordre des Avocats de Genève, No. 63, April 2017, 64-68
- du Pasquier S., Oural M., Swiss Court Acquits Four Individuals in Gazprom Case but New Law May Have Led to a Different Outcome, in: The FCPA Report, volume 5, no. 16, August 2016
- Oural M., Les points saillants et indésirables du projet de révision de la LTF en matière pénale, in: La Revue de l'avocat, 4/2016, 150-154
- Oural M., Hohl-Chirazi C., L'accès au dossier d'une procédure pénale, in: Revue de l'Avocat 8/2014, pp. 332 ss
- Oural M., The 2012 Swiss Rules of International Arbitration - More Efficiency and Effectiveness of Arbitration Proceedings, in: Latin American Journal of International Trade Law, 2013, Vol. 1, Issue 1, 441-455
- Oural M., Desarrollos en material de medidas provisionales en arbitrajes internacionales con sede en Suiza, in: Revista Internacional de Arbitraje, 2013, No. 18, 35-73
- Cassani U., Oural M., Commentaire des art. 284 et 285 CPP (surveillance de relations bancaires), in: Kuhn/Jeanneret (eds.), Commentaire romand, Code de procédure pénale suisse, Basel 2011
- Oural M., Medidas provisionales en arbitrajes internacionales con sede en Suiza, in: Spanish Arbitration Review, No. 12, 2011, 77-92
Other Activities
Teacher in criminal law at the Geneva Bar School (ECAV)
Contact Details
Other Activities
Teacher in criminal law at the Geneva Bar School (ECAV)
Outstanding lawyer with prominent cases
Chambers, 2021He impresses with his powerful and sharp litigation skills and his focus on results which he relentlessly pursues for the defence of his clients.
Who’s Who Legal, 2021The “fantastic” Miguel Oural has “a prolific reputation” assisting individuals and companies in complex civil and criminal disputes.
Who’s Who Legal, 2021He is a top-tier litigator with notable experience advising companies and individuals facing investigations from enforcement authorities.
Who’s Who Legal, 2020The "brilliant" Miguel Oural is recognised for his expertise on tort law issues and his foremost domestic and cross-border litigation practice.
Who’s Who Legal, 2020
Commentaire des art. 284 et 285 CPP
in: Commentaire romand, Code de procédure pénale suisse, 2nd edition, Basel 2019