Sarah Bechaalany
Dr. iur., Attorney at Law
Associate Dr. iur., Attorney at Law +41 58 450 70 00 sarah.bechaalany@lenzstaehelin.com |
Geneva Route de Chêne 30 CH-1211 Geneva www.lenzstaehelin.com |
Sarah Bechaalany is an associate at our Geneva office, where she is a member of the Banking and Finance group. Her practice focuses on banking and finance, as well as collective investment schemes.
Professional Experience and Education
and Education
2019 Associate at Lenz & Staehelin 2019 Admission to the Geneva Bar 2017 University of Fribourg (Dr. iur., Professor Walther Hug Prize, Vigener Prize) 2016-17 Max-Planck-Institut für ausländisches und internationales Privatrecht, Hamburg 2014 University of Fribourg (MLaw) 2013 Kings College London and Georgetown University (Certificate in Transnational Legal Studies) 2012 University of Fribourg (BLaw) -
Specialist Areas
Investment Foundations, Banking and Finance, Asset Management, Collective Investment Schemes, Contract and Commercial -
French, English, German, Italian -
Geneva Bar Association (OdA), Member of the Commission for Continuing Legal Education of the Geneva Bar Association, European Law Institute (ELI), Women Lawyers Switzerland -
- Bechaalany S., Les fondations de placement, in: Guide pratique des placements collectifs immobiliers, Schulthess Verlag, 2ème édition, Genève/Zurich, 2024
- Rayroux F., Bechaalany S., Kommentierung von Art. 52-53 FIDLEG, Bahar/Watter (eds.), Basler Kommentar zum Finanzdienstleistungsgesetz/ Finanzinstitutsgesetz, Basel 2023
- Rayroux F., Stahler O., Bechaalany S., The New Swiss Unregulated Fund: L-QIF, in: Journal of International Banking Law And Regulation, Thomson Reuters and Contributors, Volume 38, Issue 3, 2023, 109-112
- Rayroux F., Schleiffer P., Vogt Scholler L., Schärli P., Bechaalany S., Financial Services Compliance 2022 - Switzerland, in: Getting the Deal Through, April 2022
- Bechaalany S., Liegeois ., Commentaire des art. 30-32 LBA, in: Cassani/Bovet/Villard (eds.), Commentaire romand, Loi sur le blanchissement d'argent, Basel 2021
- Rayroux F., Bechaalany S., L'attrait des fondations de placement, in: 24 heures, Immobilier, November 2021
- Rayroux F., Vogt Scholler L., Neukomm F., Bechaalany S., Imbach Haumüller D., 5. Kapitel: Kunden- und produktspezifische Spezialregelungen, in: Asset Management im neuen regulatorischen Umfeld, Helbing Lichtenhahn Verlag, Basel 2021
- Bechaalany S., Imbach Haumüller D., Bischof E., Lenoir Gehl Y., 1. Kapitel: Grundlagen, in: Asset Management im neuen regulatorischen Umfeld, Helbing Lichtenhahn Verlag, Basel 2021
- Bechaalany S., Schleiffer P., Vogt Scholler L., Meylan D., 4. Kapitel: Asset Manager als Finanzinstitute - Bewilligung und Aufsicht, in: Asset Management im neuen regulatorischen Umfeld, Helbing Lichtenhahn Verlag, Basel 2021
- Bechaalany S., Gabellon A., La responsabilité du conseil de fondation envers l'institution de prévoyance, in: GesKR 1/2020, 101-112
- Bechaalany S., Favre ., Le risque concurrence et sa gestion par le conseil d'administration d'une société anonyme, in: GesKR 2019, 83 et seqq.
- Bechaalany S., Les fondations de placement : acteur de la construction, in: BR/DC 2018, 85 et seqq.
- Bechaalany S., Zufferey ., Banking and Financial market regulation, in: Kälin Christian H., Switzerland Business & Investment Handbook, 4th edition, Sinzheim 2017, 559 et seqq.
- Bechaalany S., Les fondations de placement : du droit privé au droit public, in: Th. Fribourg, Geneva/Zurich/Basel 2017
Other Activities
Deputy judge of the Swiss Federal Supreme Court
Contact Details
Other Activities
Deputy judge of the Swiss Federal Supreme Court
Les fondations de placement
in: Guide pratique des placements collectifs immobiliers, Schulthess Verlag, 2ème édition, Genève/Zurich, 2024
Kommentierung von Art. 52-53 FIDLEG
Bahar/Watter (eds.), Basler Kommentar zum Finanzdienstleistungsgesetz/ Finanzinstitutsgesetz, Basel 2023