Benjamin Moret
Attorney at Law
Associate Attorney at Law +41 58 450 70 00 benjamin.moret@lenzstaehelin.com |
Geneva Route de Chêne 30 CH-1211 Geneva www.lenzstaehelin.com |
Benjamin Moret is a senior associate based at the firm's Geneva office. His main areas of expertise include competition/antitrust and public procurement law. Benjamin also specializes in the field of non-profit organisations, such as foundations, associations and transnational bodies.
Domaines d'activité
Secteurs d'activité
Experience professionnelle Parcours académique
Parcours académique
2021 Associate, Lenz & Staehelin 2019 Trainee Lawyer, Lenz & Staehelin 2018 Legal Intern, Office of the Attorney General of Switzerland 2021 Swiss Bar admission 2018 Center for Transnational Legal Studies, London (Certificate in Transnational Legal Studies) 2018 University of Fribourg (MLaw) 2016 University of Zurich (exchange year) 2016 University of Lausanne (BLaw) -
Domaines d'activité
Competition law, Public Procurement, Public Sector, Foundations and Philanthropy, Commercial and Contracts -
French, English, German -
Geneva Bar Association (OdA), Swiss Bar Association (SBA) -