Raphael Fries
Attorney at Law
Associate Attorney at Law +41 58 450 80 00 raphael.fries@lenzstaehelin.com |
Zurich Brandschenkestrasse 24 CH-8027 Zurich www.lenzstaehelin.com |
Raphael Fries is an associate based at our Zurich office, where he is a member of the Corporate and M&A, Banking and Finance and Capital Markets practice groups. He advises clients on general corporate and commercial matters with a focus on domestic and international M&A transactions.
Domaines d'activité
Experience professionnelle Parcours académique
Parcours académique
2024 Associate, Lenz & Staehelin 2020 Associate, Swiss law firm 2018 Legal Trainee, District Court of Zurich and the Public Prosecutor's Office 2017 Trainee Lawyer, Lenz & Staehelin 2020 Swiss Bar Admission 2017 University of Zurich (MLaw) 2016 University of Hong Kong (Exchange) 2015 University of Zurich (BLaw) 2014 University of Geneva (Exchange) -
Domaines d'activité
Corporate and M&A, Banking and Finance, Capital Markets, Insolvency and Restructuring -
German, English, French -