Lenz & Staehelin founding member of newly created Geneva International Legal Association (GILA)

We’re delighted to announce that our firm is one of the founding members of the Geneva International Legal Association (GILA), a new initiative launched by the Geneva Bar Association.

GILA aims to promote Geneva as an international hub for legal services. It brings together various players from the world of law and the local economy and is seeking to promote the recognition of legal services as a factor in social development and economic competitiveness, to contribute to the promotion of Swiss law abroad, and to encourage exchanges and collaboration between the various players involved in resolving disputes in Geneva, particularly in the judicial, economic, political, academic, or technological spheres.

It is supported by the State of Geneva, the City of Geneva, the Federation of Romandie Businesses, the Geneva Chamber of Commerce, Industry and Services (CCIG), and the Foundation for the Attractiveness of the Canton of Geneva (FLAG).

The Association will host an annual Geneva International Legal Week, which will be inaugurated from 10-12 March 2025. This event will further enhance the Canton of Geneva's appeal and promote Swiss law both locally and internationally.

Lenz & Staehelin is proud to be a part of this initiative alongside a host of other highly respected law firms in Switzerland.  

More information available here:

