Estate Planning - The Swiss Perspective

Published: 21 June 2024

  • Expertise

    Real Estate
  • Details

    Number of pages
    297 pages
    Helbing Lichtenhahn Verlag
    CHF 128.00
    ISBN number
The book deals with most of the issues concerning the transfer of assets within the context of a succession; it covers questions such as the general issue of mortis causa dispositions under Swiss law, as well as those of the advance care directive but also situations such as business transfers upon death or transfers of art collections, and the devolution of assets for philanthropic purposes. It also addresses the specific problems faced by families with international exposure as well as the management of proceedings in multiple jurisdictions.
  • 16 Jan 2025

    Commentary to Art. 263 SCO: Transfer of a commercial lease to a third party: refusal for good cause

    in: Swiss Contract Law, January 2025

  • 27 Jun 2024

    Marchés in-house, quasi in-house, in-state et autres concepts interpellants

    in: Zufferey/Beyeler/Scherler (eds), Aktuelles Vergaberecht 2024/Marchés publics 2024, Zurich Genève 2024, pp. 195-232.


Insights 25.01.2021

Lex Koller: Temporary ban on foreign investors acquiring commercial real estate in Switzerland?

Lex Koller: Temporary ban on foreign investors acquiring commercial real…

With a surprisingly clear vote of 22:0, with two abstentions, the Legal Affairs Committee of the Swiss National Council passed a committee initiative that intends to temporarily suspend the exemption for the acquisition of real estate properties used for commercial purposes, which applies under the Lex Koller. According to the committee, this initiative shall prevent Swiss businesses, which have come under pressure as a result of the COVID-19 crisis, from being forced to sell their business premises at favorable prices to foreign companies. The initiative is now being considered by the Legal Affairs Committee of the Swiss Council of States and could, if approved and if the legislative amendment is declared urgent, be passed by the Swiss parliament and put into force within a few months.

Insights 03.12.2020

Covid-19-Commercial Rental Act rejected

Covid-19-Commercial Rental Act rejected

After the Swiss National Council had already decided on Monday not to act on the draft of the Covid-19-Commercial Rental Act prepared by the Swiss Federal Council, the Swiss Council of States has now also resolved not to act on the draft, thus drawing a line under a controversial proposal. Tenants and landlords of affected commercial leases who have not yet achieved an agreement on the consequences of the Covid-19 pandemic thus have to find individual solutions.