Trade Mark Litigation

Published: 10 October 2008

    Managing Partner, Co-Head of Intellectual Property
  • Expertise

    Intellectual Property
  • Details

    Number of pages
    314 pages
    The European Lawyer Ltd.
    ISBN number

Trade Mark Litigation provides a unique and comprehensive overview of the complex rules surrounding international trade mark litigation. Clear jurisdictional comparisons help the reader to find answers to a multitude of questions covering each aspect of trade mark litigation in 24 countries. These comparisons are facilitated by strict adherence to a numerical template which deals with the sources of law and court system, including jurisdictional issues, issues of substantive law, parties to litigation, enforcement options, procedural issues and remedies, including preliminary relief, appeal procedures, litigation costs, forthcoming legislation and useful references. Trade Mark Litigation is an easily accessible source of information on what can and cannot be done in trade mark litigation in a particular jurisdiction.