Megane Vaser Fund Officer and Foundation Officer

Megane Vaser

Fund Officer and Foundation Officer

+41 58 450 70 00
Route de Chêne 30
CH-1211 Geneva
  • Expertise

    Megane Vaser works as a Fund Officer and Foundation Officer in our Geneva office, where she is a member of the Banking and Finance group. Her main areas of expertise include banking and finance, as well as collective investment schemes law.

  • Practices

  • Professional Experience and Education

    and Education

    2023 Fund Officer and Foundation Officer at Lenz & Staehelin
    2018 Partner assistant at Lenz & Staehelin
    2015 Université de Genève (Public Management Master)
    2012 University of Geneva (BARI)
  • Specialist Areas

    Banking and Finance, Investment Fund, Collective Investment Schemes
  • Languages

    French, English
  • Contact Details