Cécile Berger Meyer Partner, Head of Real Estate
Attorney at Law, LL.M., Certified Specialist SBA Construction and Real Estate Law

Cécile Berger Meyer

Partner, Head of Real Estate
Attorney at Law, LL.M., Certified Specialist SBA Construction and Real Estate Law
+41 58 450 70 00
Route de Chêne 30
CH-1211 Geneva
  • Expertise

    Cécile Berger Meyer is a partner based at our Geneva office, where she heads up the Real Estate practice group. She advises both private and institutional clients on real estate law, civil matters (purchases, sales, structuring and financing) and administrative law matters (planning, construction licenses, restrictions on acquisitions, public procurements). Cécile is also vice-chair of the SVIT Romandie, a member of various committees of real estate actors / organisations, and has been a judge with the Geneva lease Conciliation Commission and Lease Court for many years. Cécile also sits at the investment committee of a Swiss German based pension fund, and on other boards of directors of real estate companies.

  • Tätigkeitsbereiche

  • Berufserfahrung und Ausbildung

    und Ausbildung

    2013Partner at Lenz & Staehelin
    2004Joined Lenz & Staehelin
    2020Swiss Board School Corporate Governance best practice certification
    2010Certified Specialist SBA Construction and Real Estate Law
    2006University of Chicago Law School (LL.M.)
    2004Admission to Geneva Bar
    2000University of Fribourg (lic. iur.)
  • Fachgebiete

    Real Estate, Corporate and M&A, Commercial and Contracts
  • Sprachen

    French, English, German, Italian
  • Mitgliedschaften

    Swiss Bar Association (SAV), Geneva Bar Association (OdA), Union Internationale des Avocats (UIA), Swiss Advocates’ Chamber of Certified Specialists SBA Construction and Real Estate Law (board member), CVI - Chambre Vaudoise Immobilière (board member), SVIT Schweiz (Vice-chairman).

    • Kühni B., Berger Meyer C., Menghini F., The Real Estate M&A and Private Equity Review 2021 - Switzerland, in: The Law Reviews, 6th edition, September 2021, 178-188
    • Berger Meyer C., Kühni B., Menghini F., Construction 2020 - Switzerland, in: The Legal 500 Country Comparative Guides, April 2020
    • Berger Meyer C., Adank N., Quelques aspects juridiques de la location sur Airbnb, in: Le Temps, Focus Droit, 15 June 2018
    • Berger Meyer C., Kühni B., Menghini F., Commercial Real Estate 2018 - Switzerland, in: Global Legal Insights, 4th edition, September 2017, 187-195
    • Berger Meyer C., Kühni B., A key to buying a holiday home in Switzerland, in: The Lawyer, 18 April 2016, 37
    • Berger Meyer C., Rötheli A., The Real Estate Law Review 2016 - Switzerland, in: The Law Reviews, 5th Edition, London 2016, 404-415
    • Berger Meyer C., Restrictions en matière d'hypothèques, in: Newsletter SVIT, May 2013
    • Berger Meyer C., Ledermann D., Coordination et structuration en matière de PPP, Aspects de droit des contrats et des sociétés, in: Aktuelles Vergaberecht 2012 / Marchés Publics 2012, Zurich 2012, 437-450
    • Rötheli A., Berger Meyer C., Dematerialised mortgage certificates: new regulations, in: Real Estate Newsletter of the International Bar Association Legal Practice Division, vol 16 no 1, April 2012
    • Rötheli A., Kühni B., Berger Meyer C., Investing in Swiss real estate: key legal issues in a difficult market, in: Cross-border Corporate Real Estate Handbook 2009/10, November 2009
    • Rötheli A., Berger Meyer C., Untouched by sub-prime fallout, in: IFLR, the 2008 guide to Real Estate, a special IFLR supplement, 2008
  • Andere Aktivitäten

    • Judge (landlord side) at the Geneva Lease Court

    • Vice-chairman of SVIT Schweiz

    • Member of the Examination Commission of the Swiss Bar Association for real estate and construction practitioners

    • Member of the Committee of the Chambre vaudoise immobilière (CVI)

  • Kontakt Details

  • Assistenz

  • Andere Aktivitäten

    • Judge (landlord side) at the Geneva Lease Court

    • Vice-chairman of SVIT Schweiz

    • Member of the Examination Commission of the Swiss Bar Association for real estate and construction practitioners

    • Member of the Committee of the Chambre vaudoise immobilière (CVI)

  • Referenzen

    Cecile Berger is an outstanding business partner able to understand the commercial issues, to share her deep knowledge of the markets and to explain clearly the legal stakes to the business. Her commitment to the project and her sound advice have been key to our project.

    Legal 500, 2024

    Me Berger has a deep level of understanding of people and subjects. Her ability to identify problems and suggest approaches to handle them is outstanding. She is very available and always finds the time answer in person when needed. Behind her is an impressive team of associates which she built during the last years starting from scratch. I enjoyed the responsiveness of the team as well as the dedication to the tasks they were assigned. All the deadlines have systematically been met with a high quality of the deliverables.

    Legal 500, 2024

    Cécile cuts through to the heart of the issue, focuses on the key points and finds solutions

    Chambers and Partners, 2023

    Cécile Berger Meyer is clearly an expert in her field. She is particularly pragmatic and gets to the point, providing helpful solutions to issues. She is not only a technical expert but commercially very aware.

    Chambers and Partners, 2023

    The “extremely precise and hard-working” Cécile Berger Meyer is praised as “a leading practitioner”, commended for her deep knowledge of real estate law.

    Who's Who Legal, 2022

    Very competent and knowledgeable lawyer with great experience in construction law.

    Chambers and Partners, 2021

    Great negotiation skills

    Chambers and Partners, 2021

    She has surrounded herself with a competent, reactive, but also human team allowing confidence.

    Legal 500, 2021

    She is renowned for her profound ability to deliver effective counsel to clients on financings acquisitions and regulation.

    Who’s Who Legal, 2020

Cecile Berger is an outstanding business partner able to understand the commercial issues, to share her deep knowledge of the markets and to explain clearly the legal stakes to the business. Her commitment to the project and her sound advice have been key to our project.

Legal 500, 2024

Me Berger has a deep level of understanding of people and subjects. Her ability to identify problems and suggest approaches to handle them is outstanding. She is very available and always finds the time answer in person when needed. Behind her is an impressive team of associates which she built during the last years starting from scratch. I enjoyed the responsiveness of the team as well as the dedication to the tasks they were assigned. All the deadlines have systematically been met with a high quality of the deliverables.

Legal 500, 2024

Cécile cuts through to the heart of the issue, focuses on the key points and finds solutions

Chambers and Partners, 2023

Cécile Berger Meyer is clearly an expert in her field. She is particularly pragmatic and gets to the point, providing helpful solutions to issues. She is not only a technical expert but commercially very aware.

Chambers and Partners, 2023

The “extremely precise and hard-working” Cécile Berger Meyer is praised as “a leading practitioner”, commended for her deep knowledge of real estate law.

Who's Who Legal, 2022

Very competent and knowledgeable lawyer with great experience in construction law.

Chambers and Partners, 2021

Great negotiation skills

Chambers and Partners, 2021

She has surrounded herself with a competent, reactive, but also human team allowing confidence.

Legal 500, 2021

She is renowned for her profound ability to deliver effective counsel to clients on financings acquisitions and regulation.

Who’s Who Legal, 2020



Insights 28.03.2025

Revised transparency rules on rents

Revised transparency rules on rents

On 21 March 2025, the Swiss Federal Council adopted amendments to the Ordinance on the Rent and Lease of Residential and Commercial Premises. The amendments primarily concern the notification of the previous rent for residential leases with the official form in those cantons that have declared such form to be mandatory. Furthermore, the amendments also concern the formal requirements for notifying a rent increase in the case of staggered rents – mere written notification will now be sufficient. The changes will come into force on 1 October 2025.

Insights 25.01.2021

Lex Koller: Keine Ausnahme mehr für Betriebsstätte-Grundstücke?

Lex Koller: Keine Ausnahme mehr für Betriebsstätte-Grundstücke?

Mit einem überraschend klaren Votum von 22:0 Stimmen bei zwei Enthaltungen beschloss die Kommission für Rechtsfragen des Nationalrates eine Kommissionsinitiative, welche die gemäss Lex Koller geltende Ausnahme für den Erwerb sogenannter Betriebsstätte-Grundstücke vorübergehend ausser Kraft setzen will. Damit soll laut Kommission verhindert werden, dass aufgrund der COVID-19-Krise unter Druck geratene Schweizer Unternehmen gezwungen sind, ihre Betriebsliegenschaften günstig an ausländische Unternehmen zu veräussern. Die Initiative wird nun von der ständerätlichen Kommission geprüft und könnte, wenn sie angenommen und die Gesetzesänderung für dringlich erklärt würde, innerhalb weniger Monate von den Räten verabschiedet und in Kraft gesetzt werden.