François Rayroux
Partner, Head of Asset Management
Dr. iur., Attorney at Law, LL.M.
Partner, Head of Asset Management Dr. iur., Attorney at Law, LL.M. +41 58 450 70 00 francois.rayroux@lenzstaehelin.com |
Geneva Route de Chêne 30 CH-1211 Geneva www.lenzstaehelin.com |
Dr. François Rayroux is partner based at our Geneva office and head of the Asset Management group. He advises a number of Swiss and international financial institutions in all banking, asset management and regulatory matters, in or outside insolvency, whether in the context of transactions or not, focusing on regulatory issues, asset management, financial services, contractual arrangements and distribution and financial products and services of all types, including in particular derivative instruments, structured products as well as digital assets. François is considered a leading lawyer in regulatory issues, banking and asset management law in Switzerland, and has been consistently nominated by major directories as an expert in these fields, in particular by Chambers since many years as "Star Individual" in Investment Management. He is the author of the industry netting and collateral opinions of ISDA as well as of other similar industry associations. For many years, he has been involved in key regulatory and self-regulatory projects in Switzerland, namely for the Federal Finance Department and the Asset Management Association Switzerland, and has taken on senior responsibilities on the International Bar Association's Asset Management and Investment Funds Committee – acting as co-chair in both 2019 and 2020.
Berufserfahrung und Ausbildung
und Ausbildung
1998 Partner at Lenz & Staehelin 1992 Joined Lenz & Staehelin 1993 University of Zurich (Dr. iur.) 1990 University of Chicago Law School (LL.M.) 1989 Admission to Zurich Bar 1986 University of Zurich (lic. iur.) -
Banks & Securities Dealers, Regulatory Issues, Investment Funds and other Collective Investment Schemes, Derivatives, Capital Markets, Asset Securitization, Securities Offerings, Corporate and M&A, Contract and Commercial, Internal Investigations -
English, French, German, Italian -
International Bar Association (IBA) -
- Rayroux F., Bechaalany S., Kommentierung von Art. 52-53 FIDLEG, Bahar/Watter (eds.), Basler Kommentar zum Finanzdienstleistungsgesetz/ Finanzinstitutsgesetz, Basel 2023
- Rayroux F., Stahler O., Bechaalany S., The New Swiss Unregulated Fund: L-QIF, in: Journal of International Banking Law And Regulation, Thomson Reuters and Contributors, Volume 38, Issue 3, 2023, 109-112
- Rayroux F., Schleiffer P., Vogt Scholler L., Schärli P., Bechaalany S., Financial Services Compliance 2022 - Switzerland, in: Getting the Deal Through, April 2022
- Rayroux F., Bechaalany S., L'attrait des fondations de placement, in: 24 heures, Immobilier, November 2021
- Rayroux F., Imbach Haumüller D., Asset Management im neuen regulatorischen Umfeld, Helbing Lichtenhahn Verlag, Basel 2021
- Rayroux F., L'effet de rayonnement de la loi sur les services financiers sur le droit privé, in: Mélanges à la mémoire de Bernard Corboz, Geneva/Zurich 2019, 219-239
- Rayroux F., du Pasquier S., Kommentierung von Art. 22 FINMAG, in: Watter/Bahar (eds), Basler Kommentar zum Finanzmarktaufsichtsgesetz/Finanzmarktinfrastrukturgesetz, 3rd edition, Basel 2019, 183-197
- du Pasquier S., Rayroux F., Kommentierung von Art. 20 FINMAG, in: Watter/Bahar (eds), Basler Kommentar zum Finanzmarktaufsichtsgesetz/Finanzmarktinfrastrukturgesetz, 3rd edition, Basel 2019, 172-173
- du Pasquier S., Rayroux F., Kommentierung von Art. 3 FINMAG, in: Watter/Bahar (eds), Basler Kommentar zum Finanzmarktaufsichtsgesetz/Finanzmarktinfrastrukturgesetz, 3rd edition, Basel 2019, 9-20
- Rayroux F., Kommentierung von Art. 43 FINMAG, in: Watter/Bahar (eds), Basler Kommentar zum Finanzmarktaufsichtsgesetz/Finanzmarktinfrastrukturgesetz, 3rd edition, Basel 2019, 1063-1066
- Rayroux F., Schleiffer P., Alternative Investment Funds 2018 - Switzerland, in: The International Comparative Legal Guide, July 2018, 237-244
- Rayroux F., Vogt Scholler L., Les placements collectifs, in: Surveillance des marchés financiers, Schweizerisches Bundesverwaltungsrecht (SBVR), Bd. XV (Ed.: Christian Bovet), Basel 2016
- Rayroux F., Vogt Scholler L., Chapter 5: Finanzmarkt: kollektive Kapitalanlagen, in: Biaggini/Häner/Saxer/Schott (eds.), Fachhandbuch, Verwaltungsrecht, Expertenwissen für die Praxis
- Rayroux F., Basler Kommentar zum Kollektivanlagengesetz, Watter/Vogt/Bösch/Rayroux/Winzeler (eds.), Basel 2009
- Rayroux F., SICAV: premières expériences, in: Placements collectifs et titres intermédiés, CEDIDAC, Lausanne 2008
- Rayroux F., Federal law on the collective placement of capital: new opportunities for the Swiss investment funds market, in: Schweizerische Zeitschrift für Wirtschaftsrecht, Zurich, volume 79 (2007), 1, 42-58
Andere Aktivitäten
Co-Chairman of the Asset Management and Investment Funds Committee of the International Bar Association (IBA).
Admitted as an expert to the SIX Swiss Exchange for Listing Purposes.
Member of the Legal and Compliance Committee of the Swiss Asset Management Association.
Co-author of the ISDA Netting and Collateral Opinions.
Legal advisor in the context of the creation and launch of the first Swiss SICAV.
Kontakt Details
Andere Aktivitäten
Co-Chairman of the Asset Management and Investment Funds Committee of the International Bar Association (IBA).
Admitted as an expert to the SIX Swiss Exchange for Listing Purposes.
Member of the Legal and Compliance Committee of the Swiss Asset Management Association.
Co-author of the ISDA Netting and Collateral Opinions.
Legal advisor in the context of the creation and launch of the first Swiss SICAV.
He has invested time in developing this industry.
Chambers and Partners, 2021He is a well-regarded banking practitioner recognised for his experience in financial services regulation and derivatives.
Chambers and Partners, 2021He is a premier name in the Swiss market thanks to his deep understanding of fund management.
Who’s Who Legal, 2021One of the best specialists in Switzerland in Asset Management, Investment Funds, SICAVs, and banking business in general
IFLR 1000, 2020He is a leading light in the Swiss banking sector, where he enjoys a stellar reputation for his work on banking products and asset management.
Who’s Who Legal, 2020
Kommentierung von Art. 52-53 FIDLEG
Bahar/Watter (eds.), Basler Kommentar zum Finanzdienstleistungsgesetz/ Finanzinstitutsgesetz, Basel 2023
The New Swiss Unregulated Fund: L-QIF
in: Journal of International Banking Law And Regulation, Thomson Reuters and Contributors, Volume 38, Issue 3, 2023, 109-112