Loïc Stucki Associate
Attorney at Law

Loïc Stucki

Attorney at Law
+41 58 450 80 00
Brandschenkestrasse 24
CH-8027 Zurich
  • Expertise

    Loïc Stucki is an associate based at our Zurich office, where he is a member of the firms Litigation and Arbitration practice group. His practice focuses on cross-border commercial disputes, where he represents clients before Swiss courts as well as arbitral tribunals. Loïc regularly publishes on issues related to arbitration, private international law, and international civil procedure.

  • Tätigkeitsbereiche

  • Berufserfahrung und Ausbildung

    und Ausbildung

    2025Associate, Lenz & Staehelin
    2022–25Research Assistant, University of Bern, Institute for Private International Law and Civil Procedure
    2022Junior Associate, Swiss law firm
    2022Junior Associate, International law firm
    2021Legal Intern, Regional Court Oberland
    2021Legal Intern, International law firm
    2021Legal Intern, Lenz & Staehelin
    2020–21Junior Research Assistant, University of Bern, Institute for Private International Law and Civil Procedure
    2020–25Coach of the Willem C. Vis International Commercial Arbitration Moot, University of Bern
    2024Swiss bar admission
    2021University of Bern (Mlaw)
    2019University of Bern (BLaw)
  • Fachgebiete

    Litigation and Arbitration, Private International Law, Sports, Trade Sanctions
  • Sprachen

    English, German
  • Mitgliedschaften

    ASA below 40

    • Stucki L., Schulz M., When Claimants Can’t Pay: A new Approach to Security for Costs in Arbitration?, in: ASA Bulletin 4/2024
    • Stucki L., Schork M., Teilanerkennung ausländischer Urteile und Schiedssprüche, in: ZZZ 67/2024
    • Stucki L., Nacherfüllungsansprüche und Updates bei digitalen Kaufsachen unter dem CISG, in: Jusletter 20. November 2023
    • Stucki L., Specific Performance and Article 28 CISG: The “Domestic Law Defence” in the Age of Digital Sales, in: Vindobona Journal of International Commercial Law and Arbitration 25/1
    • Stucki L., Russischer Angriff auf die Zuständigkeitsordnung, in: AJP/PJA 11/2022
    • Stucki L., Commentary on Art. 20 Private International Law Act, in: Onlinekommentar zum Internationalen Privatrecht, 2023
    • Lengacher P., Stucki L., Entscheidbesprechung BGE 147 III 185, in: AJP/PJA, 10/2021
    • Eichel F., Markus A., Stucki L., Schiedsfähigkeit bei Konkurs im hängigen Verfahren, in: ZZZ 56/2021
  • Kontakt Details