Roman Graf
Partner, Head of Insolvency and Restructuring
Attorney at Law, LL.M.
Partner, Head of Insolvency and Restructuring Attorney at Law, LL.M. +41 58 450 70 00 roman.graf@lenzstaehelin.com |
Geneva Route de Chêne 30 CH-1211 Geneva www.lenzstaehelin.com |
Roman Graf is a partner specialising in M&A transactions (including complex national and international deals and private equity) and insolvency. His extensive experience also includes cross-border restructurings. Roman regularly advises companies, managers and creditors on insolvencies and corporate reorganisations, including management liability. Other areas of practice include corporate, commercial and contract law, corporate finance, and corporate governance. He regularly speaks at professional conferences focused on his fields of expertise. Roman has been recognized a Next Generation Partner in Insolvency and corporate recovery in the highly respected Legal 500 EMEA 2024.
Berufserfahrung und Ausbildung
und Ausbildung
2022 Partner at Lenz & Staehelin 2014 Associate at Lenz & Staehelin 2011 United Nations Office of the Legal Counsel, New York 2007 United Nations International Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia, The Hague 2014 Admission to the Geneva Bar 2012 Admission to the New York Bar 2011 Columbia Law School (LL.M., Harlan Fiske Stone Scholar) 2007 Amsterdam Law School (LL.M. in International and European Law) 2006 University of Lausanne (lic. iur.) -
Corporate and M&A, Corporate Governance, Commercial and Contracts, Insolvency and Restructuring, Private Equity, Real Estate, VC and Startups -
English, French, German -
American Bar Association (ABA), Association Internationale des Jeunes Avocats (AIJA), Geneva Bar Association (OdA), International Bar Association (IBA), Swiss Bar Association (SBA), President of the Commission for Continuing Legal Education (Commission de formation permanente) of the Geneva Bar Association -
- Graf R., Adapting to change: the transformation of Swiss insolvency regulations under the 2023 corporate law revision, in: IBA Insolvency and Restructuring International (IRI), Vol 17 No 2, November 2023
- Poskriakov F., Graf R., Consolidation in the Swiss Portfolio Management Industry - Selected Aspects of M&A Transactions, in: Swiss Review of Business and Financial Market Law, 2/2021
- Rötheli A., Kühni B., Graf R., Private Equity 2019 (Transactions) - Switzerland, in: Getting the Deal Through, 2019, 269-275
- Graf R., Commentaire de l'article 264e, Commentaire de l'article 264f (co-author), in : Macaluso, A./Moreillon, L./Quéloz, N. (eds.), Commentaire romand du Code pénal II - Partie spéciale, Basel 2017
- Graf R., Commentary on Charges, in: Klip A. / Freeland S. (eds.), Annotated Leading Cases of International Criminal Tribunals, Vol. 40, Cambridge 2013
- Graf R., The International Criminal Court and Child Soldiers, in: Journal of International Criminal Justice, Oxford 2012
- Graf R., Commentary on Jurisdiction, in: Klip A. / Sluiter G. (eds.), Annotated Leading Cases of International Criminal Tribunals, Vol. 28, Cambridge 2012
- Graf R., I beg your pardon?, in: Klip A. / Sluiter G. (eds.), Annotated Leading Cases of International Criminal Tribunals, Vol. 19, Antwerp 2010
Kontakt Details
Roman Graf is a pragmatic lawyer with deep knowledge of Swiss law coupled with broad M&A experience. One source highlights his great availability and reactivity.
Who's Who Legal, 2024Pragmatic approach and ability to find the best possible solutions, even under very tight deadlines
Who's Who Legal, 2022Strong negotiation skills and vast experience advising on cross-border transactions.
Who's Who Legal, 2022
Adapting to change: the transformation of Swiss insolvency regulations under the 2023 corporate law revision
in: IBA Insolvency and Restructuring International (IRI), Vol 17 No 2, November 2023
Consolidation in the Swiss Portfolio Management Industry - Selected Aspects of M&A Transactions
in: Swiss Review of Business and Financial Market Law, 2/2021