Frédéric Neukomm
Attorney at Law, Certified Tax Expert, LL.M.
Partner Attorney at Law, Certified Tax Expert, LL.M. +41 58 450 70 00 frederic.neukomm@lenzstaehelin.com |
Geneva Route de Chêne 30 CH-1211 Geneva www.lenzstaehelin.com |
Frédéric Neukomm is a partner and certified tax expert, based at our firm’s Geneva office. His main practice areas are company tax law and tax law for high net worth individuals. He also has in-depth expertise in the field of private clients.
Professional Experience and Education
and Education
2013 Partner at Lenz & Staehelin 2005 Joined Lenz & Staehelin 2006 Certified Tax Expert 2005 Admission to Geneva Bar 2003 Georgetown University (LL.M.) 2000 University of Fribourg (lic. iur.) -
Specialist Areas
Tax, Private Clients -
French, English, German -
Geneva Bar Association (OdA), International Fiscal Association (IFA), Swiss Association of Certified Tax Experts (ASEFiD/SVDS), Ordre romand des experts fiscaux diplômés (OREF) -
- Neukomm F., L'assistance administrative internationale en matière fiscale - les procédures d'échange de renseignements, in: OREF, Les procédures en droit fiscal, 4th edition
- Rayroux F., Vogt Scholler L., Neukomm F., Bechaalany S., Imbach Haumüller D., 5. Kapitel: Kunden- und produktspezifische Spezialregelungen, in: Asset Management im neuen regulatorischen Umfeld, Helbing Lichtenhahn Verlag, Basel 2021
- Neukomm F., Ponce F., The Inward Investment and International Taxation Review 2021 - Switzerland, in: The Law Review, 11th edition, January 2021, 423-435
- Neukomm F., Rüdisühli H., Hirt A., The Private Wealth and Private Client Review 2020 - Switzerland, in: The Law Reviews, 9th edition, October 2020, 363-374
- Eckert J., Neukomm F., Switzerland's 2019 push for corporate tax reform, in: International Tax Review, Switzerland, 7th Edition, March 2019
- Eckert J., Neukomm F., Exchange of information developments in Switzerland, in: International Tax Review, Switzerland, 7th Edition, March 2019
- Eckert J., Neukomm F., Exchange of information in Switzerland affecting corporations, in: International Tax Review, Tax reference library no. 119, 2018, 13-16
- Eckert J., Neukomm F., AEOI affecting individuals and its effect on banking secrecy rules, in: International Tax Review, Tax reference library no. 119, 2018, 23-26
- Neukomm F., Annual Review: Transfer Pricing 2016 - Switzerland, in: Financier Worldwide, November 2016, 28-31
Contact Details
Frédéric Neukomm is very knowledgeable and pleasant to work with. He knows his stuff very well and is able to convey easy-to-understand messages on complex matters.
Chambers and Partners, 2024Frédéric Neukomm is very quick to react, technical and client-oriented.
Who's Who Legal, 2024He has a strong focus on the tax aspects of transactional matters, advising clients on taxation of notes issues and divestments, as well as internal restructuring.
Chambers and Partners, 2020An excellent tax adviser
Chambers and Partners, 2019Very smart and easy-to-work-with
Legal 500, 2019
5. Kapitel: Kunden- und produktspezifische Spezialregelungen
in: Asset Management im neuen regulatorischen Umfeld, Helbing Lichtenhahn Verlag, Basel 2021