Laurence Vogt Scholler
Attorney at Law
Counsel Attorney at Law +41 58 450 70 00 laurence.vogt@lenzstaehelin.com |
Geneva Route de Chêne 30 CH-1211 Geneva www.lenzstaehelin.com |
Laurence Vogt Scholler is a counsel specialising in banking and finance law who advises clients from the banking and asset management sectors, as well as Swiss and foreign collective investment schemes, on regulatory, contractual and corporate issues. She has a particular focus on the structure of collective investment schemes and fund managers, as well as their authorisation by the supervisory authorities. Her expertise also includes anti-money laundering regulations.
Professional Experience and Education
and Education
2013 Counsel at Lenz & Staehelin 2006 Joined Lenz & Staehelin 2000 Joined Credit Suisse, Legal & Compliance (in Zurich, Hong Kong and Geneva) 2006 Admission to Geneva Bar 2000 Admission to Bern Bar 1997 University of Neuchâtel (lic. iur.) -
Specialist Areas
Banking and Finance, Banking Regulatory, Investment Funds and other Collective Investment Schemes, Banks & Securities Dealers, Anti Money Laundering, Commercial and Contracts -
French, German, English -
- Rayroux F., Schleiffer P., Vogt Scholler L., Schärli P., Bechaalany S., Financial Services Compliance 2022 - Switzerland, in: Getting the Deal Through, April 2022
- Rayroux F., Vogt Scholler L., Neukomm F., Bechaalany S., Imbach Haumüller D., 5. Kapitel: Kunden- und produktspezifische Spezialregelungen, in: Asset Management im neuen regulatorischen Umfeld, Helbing Lichtenhahn Verlag, Basel 2021
- Bechaalany S., Schleiffer P., Vogt Scholler L., Meylan D., 4. Kapitel: Asset Manager als Finanzinstitute - Bewilligung und Aufsicht, in: Asset Management im neuen regulatorischen Umfeld, Helbing Lichtenhahn Verlag, Basel 2021
- Rayroux F., Vogt Scholler L., Les placements collectifs, in: Surveillance des marchés financiers, Schweizerisches Bundesverwaltungsrecht (SBVR), Bd. XV (Ed.: Christian Bovet), Basel 2016
- Rayroux F., Vogt Scholler L., Kommentierung von Art. 36-45 KAG, in: Basler Kommentar zum Kollektivanlagengesetz, Basel 2016
- Rayroux F., Vogt Scholler L., Kommentierung von Art. 36, 39, 43-45 KAG, in: Basler Kommentar zum Kollektivanlagengesetz, Basel 2009
Contact Details
Laurence Vogt Scholler is always spot on and is a very smart lawyer.
Chambers & Partners, 2024practical, proactive and fast
Chambers, 2021She has profound specialist knowledge as well as broad practical experience.
Legal 500, 2020Highly experienced and quickly available
IFLR1000, 2020Highly regarded
IFLR1000, 2020
4. Kapitel: Asset Manager als Finanzinstitute - Bewilligung und Aufsicht
in: Asset Management im neuen regulatorischen Umfeld, Helbing Lichtenhahn Verlag, Basel 2021