Leonard Vijverberg
Attorney at Law, LL.M., Registered Trust and Estate Practitioner (TEP)
Counsel Attorney at Law, LL.M., Registered Trust and Estate Practitioner (TEP) +41 58 450 70 00 leonard.vijverberg@lenzstaehelin.com |
Geneva Route de Chêne 30 CH-1211 Geneva www.lenzstaehelin.com |
Leonard Vijverberg is a counsel in our Private Client group based in Geneva. His practice includes advising private clients and their families on estate planning, succession, issues of international private law, international investment and corporate structures, as well as contract and commercial law. This often involves dealing with cross-border issues. Leonard also advises trust companies, charities and foundations on regulatory, as well as administration and litigation matters. He is a managing director of L&S Trust Services SA, a Swiss-regulated trust company owned by Lenz & Staehelin's partners.
Domaines d'activité
Experience professionnelle Parcours académique
Parcours académique
2024 Counsel, Lenz & Staehelin 2022 Managing Director at L&S Trust Services SA 2007 Associate, Lenz & Staehelin 2006 Legal Counsel with STMicroelectronics NV 1999 Attorney at Law at Van Benthem & Keulen (the Netherlands) 2006 University of Geneva (LL.M.) 2002 Admission to Bar of Utrecht, the Netherlands 1999 University of Utrecht (lic. iur.) -
Domaines d'activité
Private Clients, Contract and Commercial, International Estate and Tax Planning, Private Investment Companies and Funds, Trusts and Foundations, Dispute Resolution, Anti-money laundering and Regulatory -
Dutch, English, French, German -
Society of Trust and Estate Practitioners (STEP) Geneva Bar Association (ODAGE) The Netherlands Bar, Orde van Advocaten Midden-Nederland, the Netherlands -
- Barmes M., Vijverberg L., Breitenstein S., Greter A., Relevant changes for trustees in final ordinance of the Financial Institutions Act, Lenz & Staehelin Update Newsflash, November 2019
- Vijverberg L., Barmes M., Modernisation of Swiss succession law under way, in: International Law Office, 11 October 2018
- Barmes M., Vijverberg L., New trustee licensing requirements on the horizon, in: The International Law Office newsletter - 20 September 2018
- Barmes M., Greter A., Vijverberg L., Relocating to Switzerland, in: Practical Law, Global Guide 2017/18, Private Client
Relevant changes for trustees in final ordinance of the Financial Institutions Act
Lenz & Staehelin Update Newsflash, November 2019