Lukas Morscher
Partner, Head of Technology and Outsourcing
Dr. iur. et lic. rer. pol., Attorney at Law
Partner, Head of Technology and Outsourcing Dr. iur. et lic. rer. pol., Attorney at Law +41 58 450 80 00 lukas.morscher@lenzstaehelin.com |
Zurich Brandschenkestrasse 24 CH-8027 Zurich www.lenzstaehelin.com |
Dr. Lukas Morscher is a partner leading the Technology and Outsourcing practice group and co-heading the Fintech practice in Zurich. He is an expert in corporate M&A and financial services, spanning both Swiss and international transactions. Lukas is considered one of Switzerland’s leading lawyers in technology, digital transformation and business sourcing.
Domaines d'activité
Experience professionnelle Parcours académique
Parcours académique
2003 Partner, Lenz & Staehelin 1998 Joined Lenz & Staehelin 1996-97 Practice as Attorney in US law firm 1993-95 Swiss Federal Office of Foreign Economic Affairs 2012 Harvard Business School (AMP) 1994-95 Swiss Bar Admission 1992 University of Basel (Dr. iur.) 1990 University of Basel (lic. iur.) 1987 University of Basel (Master in Economics) -
Domaines d'activité
Technology, Outsourcing (ITO, BPO transactions), Digitization, Fintech, Blockchain, Data Privacy, Telecoms and Media, Corporate and M&A, Private Equity, Capital Markets, Stock Exchange Law, Corporate Governance, Banking and Finance, Insurance and Reinsurance, Commercial and Contracts -
German, English, French -
Zurich Bar Association (ZAV), Swiss Bar Association (SAV), International Bar Association (IBA), Swiss-American Chamber of Commerce, SwissICT, Swico, Schweizer Forum für Kommunikationsrecht (SF-FS), International Technology Law Association (ITechLaw) -
- Morscher L., Staub L., Eichenberger J., TMT 2025 - Switzerland: Law and Practice, in: Chambers Global Practice Guides, February 2025
- Antreasyan S., Ling P., Morscher L., Poskriakov F., Artificial Intelligence 2024 - Switzerland, in: Lexology Panoramic, October 2024
- Morscher L., Data Protection & Privacy 2025 - Switzerland, in: Lexology Panoramic, May 2024
- Morscher L., Rusterholz L., Insurance & Reinsurance 2024 - Switzerland, in: Lexology Panoramic, May 2024
- Morscher L., Guberan-Flühler N., Fintech 2024 - Switzerland: Law and practice, in: Chambers Global Practice Guides, April 2024
- Morscher L., Rusterholz L., Data Protection & Privacy 2024 - Switzerland, in: Getting the Deal Through, May 2023
- Morscher L., Guberan-Flühler N., TMT 2023 - Switzerland: Law and Practice, in: Chambers Global Practice Guides, March 2023
- Morscher L., Ehrsam S., Kommentierung von Art. 620-625 OR, in: Kostkiewicz/Wolf/Amstutz/Fankhauser (Hrsg.), Kommentar zum Schweizerischen Obligationenrecht, 4th edition, Zurich 2022
- Morscher L., Poskriakov F., Sakkal I., Fintech 2021 - Switzerland, in: Global Legal Insights, 3rd edition, August 2021, 246-255
- Morscher L., Rusterholz L., Outsourcing: Switzerland overview, in: Practical Law, Global Guide 2021, Outsourcing, May 2021
- Morscher L., Rusterholz L., Transferring employees on an outsourcing in Switzerland: overview, in: Practical Law, Global Guide 2021, Outsourcing, May 2021
- Morscher L., Staub L., e-Commerce 2021 - Switzerland, in: Getting the Deal Through, August 2020, 95-106
- Morscher L., Staub L., Digital Business in Switzerland: overview, in: Practical Law, Global Guide 2020, May 2020
- Morscher L., Technology 2018 - Switzerland, in: The Legal 500 & The In-House Lawyer Country Comparative Guide, October 2018
- Morscher L., Rusterholz L., Waltenspül ., Impact of the GDPR on Swiss and US Businesses, in: Swiss-American Chamber of Commerce, Yearbook 2018/2019, 81 et seqq.
- Morscher L., Rusterholz L., Outsourcing: On-, Near- und Offshoring-Vereinbarungen im Finanzdienstleistungsbereich, in: Sester/Brändli/Bartholet/Schiltknecht (eds.), St. Galler Handbuch zum Schweizer Finanzmarktrecht / Finanzmarktaufsicht und Finanzmarktinfrastrukturen, 1st edition, Zurich/St. Gallen 2017, § 16
- Morscher L., M&A Transaktionen im Technologiebereich - ein besonderes Risikoprofil, in: GesKR (Gesellschafts- und Kapitalmarktrecht) 4/2016, 411-424
- Morscher L., Kommentierung von Art. 620-625 OR (Aktiengesellschaft, Allgemeine Bestimmungen), in: Kostkiewicz/Wolf/Amstutz/Fankhauser (eds.), Kommentar zum Schweizerischen Obligationenrecht, 3rd edition, Zurich 2016
- Morscher L., Data Protection & Privacy 2016 - Switzerland, in: Thomson Reuters / Sweet & Maxwell, International Series, 3rd edition, August 2016, 979-999
- Morscher L., Horsfeldt ., Sourcing World, International Outsourcing Transactions, Jurisdictional Comparisons, 2nd edition, London 2015
- Morscher L., International Outsourcing Transactions, Chapter on Switzerland, in: Sourcing World, Jurisdictional Comparisons, 2nd edition, London 2015, 465-491
- Morscher L., Kommentierung von Art. 1, 2, 4 FusG (Commentary on Certain Articles of the Merger Act), in: Watter/Vogt/Tschäni/Daeniker (eds.), Basler Kommentar zum Fusionsgesetz, 2nd edition, Basel 2015
- Morscher L., Meisser ., Data Protection & Privacy 2014 - Switzerland, in: European Lawyer Reference Series, 2nd edition, London 2014, 795-816
- Morscher L., Jermann ., Outsourcing in Switzerland, in: Practical Law, Multi-Jurisdictional Guide, Outsourcing 2012/13, 251-262
- Morscher L., Horsfeldt ., Sourcing World, International Outsourcing Transactions, Jurisdictional Comparisons, 1st edition, London 2012
- Morscher L., International Outsourcing Transactions, Chapter on Switzerland, in: Sourcing World, Jurisdictional Comparisons, 1st edition, London 2012, 331-354
- Morscher L., Aktuelle Entwicklungen im Technologie- und Kommunikationsrecht, in: ZBJV, volume 147, issue 3/2011, 177-221
- Morscher L., Media and Communications in Switzerland, in: PLC Cross-Border Handbooks, Media and Communications 2009/2010, 1-11
- Morscher L., Kommentierung von Art. 620-625 OR (Aktiengesellschaft, Allgemeine Bestimmungen), in: Kostkiewicz/Nobel/Schwander/Wolf (eds.), Kommentar zum Schweizerischen Obligationenrecht, 2nd edition, Zurich 2009
- Morscher L., Software-Lizenzverträge, Erschöpfung bei Computerprogrammen und Gebrauchthandel mit Softwarelizenzen, in: Jörg/Arter (eds.), Internet-Recht und IT-Verträge, 2nd edition, Bern 2009, 17-72
- Morscher L., Arter ., ICT Contracts - Outsourcing, Bern 2008
- Morscher L., Business Process Outsourcing (BPO) - Strukturelle und rechtliche Aspekte, in: Arter/Morscher (eds.), ICT-Verträge - Outsourcing, Bern 2008, 19-62
- Morscher L., Leistungsbeschrieb, Gewährleistung und Haftung in IT-Verträgen, in: Jörg/Arter (eds.), IT-Verträge, Bern 2007, 73-114
- Morscher L., Kauf von Versicherungen, in: Tschäni, R. (ed.), Mergers & Acquisitions IX, Zurich 2007, 59-106
- Morscher L., Outsourcing-Transaktionen - Leistungsbeschrieb, Gewährleistungs- und Haftungsregelungen, in: Internationales Handelsrecht: Outsourcing - Recht und Vertragsgestaltung, Zurich 2007, 19-38
- Morscher L., Horn ., Telecommunications in Switzerland, in: PLC Cross-Border Handbooks, Communications and IT 2006/2007, 133-142
- Morscher L., Software-Lizenzverträge - Grundlagen, internationale Aspekte, Erschöpfung bei Computerprogrammen und Gebrauchthandel mit Softwarelizenzen, in: Internet-Recht und IT-Verträge, Jörg/Arter (eds.), Zurich 2006, 17-63
- Morscher L., Kommentierung von Art. 1, 2, 4 FusG (Commentary on Certain Articles of the Merger Act), in: Watter/Vogt/Tschäni/Daeniker (eds.), Basler Kommentar zum Fusionsgesetz, Basel 2004
- Morscher L., Software-Überlassungsverträge, Teil I: Vertragsschluss, Rechtseinräumung, Typisierung, Anknüpfung, in: Softwareverträge, Trüeb (ed.), Zurich 2004, 61-87
- Morscher L., Kommentierung von Art. 620-625 OR (Aktiengesellschaft, Allgemeine Bestimmungen), in: Handkommentar zum Schweizerischen Obligationenrecht, Bertschinger (ed., et al.), Zurich 2002
- Morscher L., Software-Überlassung nach Schweizer Recht - Urheberrecht, Gewährleistungspflichten, Produktehaftung, in: Computer und Recht, issue 4/1999, 262-274
- Morscher L., Gewährleistung und Haftung bei der Software-Überlassung, in: Schweizerische Zeitschrift für Wirtschaftsrecht, issue 2/1999, 61-77
- Morscher L., Niles ., Operations Abroad: Foreign Business Entities, in: International Trade for the Nonspecialist, Vishny (ed.), American Law Institute - American Bar Association, 2nd edition, Philadelphia 1997, 389-415
- Böckli ., Morscher L., Aktionärbindungsverträge: Übertragbarkeit und Geltungsdauer von Optionsrechten, in: Schweizerische Zeitschrift für Wirtschaftsrecht, issue 2/1997, 53-65
- Morscher L., Die Regulierung der schweizerischen Finanzmärkte - Eine wirtschaftsrechtliche Untersuchung zum Verhältnis von hoheitlicher Regulierung und Selbstregulierung, Schweizer Schriften zum Handels- und Wirtschaftsrecht, volume 146, 295 pages and XLIV, Zurich 1992
- Morscher L., Ein wirtschaftsrechtliches Konzept zur Steigerung der Wettbewerbsfähigkeit des Finanzplatzes Schweiz, in: Wettbewerb als Chance - Anstösse zur Reform des Finanzplatzes Schweiz, Vontobel / Morscher (eds.), 2nd edition, Zurich 1992, 51-287
Activités complémentaires
Frequent lecturer at seminars and conferences.
Co-chair of ICT conferences of the University St. Gallen.
Assistant (e)
Activités complémentaires
Frequent lecturer at seminars and conferences.
Co-chair of ICT conferences of the University St. Gallen.
Lukas is extremely knowledgeable, has good client relationship skills and is someone you want on your side.
Chambers & Partners, 2024They provide high quality accurate and clear advice on Swiss insurance regulation issues. I have been very happy to work with Lukas Morscher and his team and to recommend them to others.
The Legal 500, 2024Lukas is a renowned lawyer in Switzerland. He is famous for his work in IT related transactions and outsourcing.
Who's Who Legal, 2024Lukas is a top-tier Swiss lawyer, he is a very intelligent practitioner.
Who's Who Legal, 2024Lukas Morscher is an established practitioner in the Swiss market, where he comes highly recommended for his handling of regulatory and contractual matters.
Who's Who Legal, 2024Lukas is extremely knowledgeable when it comes to cloud computing and related data issues.
Who's Who Legal, 2023Lukas is a leading name in the Swiss market for data-related issues
Who's Who Legal, 2022Lukas Morscher is "a strong negotiator" who excels at advising clients in the telecoms sector on cross-border transactions and outsourcing projects.
Who's Who Legal, 2022Lukas Morscher is a thought leader with an outstanding ability to connect the dots, identify risks and how to overcome them in a reasonable way.
The Legal 500, 2021Working together now for almost three years, we have been extremely impressed by the level of knowledge, but also real-world pragmatism of the team led by Lukas Morscher.
The Legal 500, 2021Lukas Morscher comes highly recommended by market sources for the top-tier counsel he provides to clients on technology, digitisation and business sourcing matters.
Who's Who Legal, 2021The leading authority in international data privacy and data protection topics.
The Legal 500, 2020He is truly brilliant at handling large-scale transactions and complex structures in the TMT space.
Who's Who Legal, 2019He is excellent, great with clients and very easy to work with.
The Legal 500, 2018
Artificial Intelligence 2024 - Switzerland
in: Lexology Panoramic, October 2024