Tino Gaberthüel
Partner, Head of Corporate and M&A, Co-Head of Capital Markets
Attorney at Law, LL.M., C.B.A. (Kellogg)
Partner, Head of Corporate and M&A, Co-Head of Capital Markets Attorney at Law, LL.M., C.B.A. (Kellogg) +41 58 450 80 00 tino.gaberthuel@lenzstaehelin.com |
Zurich Brandschenkestrasse 24 CH-8027 Zurich www.lenzstaehelin.com |
Tino Gaberthüel heads the firm's Corporate and M&A practice. He has extensive experience representing clients in domestic and cross-border M&A transactions, with a special focus on public tender offers and private equity buy-outs. He is frequently sought after by boards of directors and management in takeover and stress situations as well as corporate governance questions.
Tino recently represented Crealogix in the public tender offer by Vencora UK Limited, NewGAMe in its public tender offer for GAM, L Catterton in the acquisition of AmaWaterways, Midea in the acquisition of Arbonia’s climate division, Sika in the acquisition of MBCC Group, Bain Private Equity and Cinven in the acquisition of Lonza Speciality Ingredients, SK Capital in the acquisition of Clariant's pigments business and BMG in the purchase of certain music rights of Tina Turner.
Tino has been admitted as an expert to SIX Swiss Exchange for Listing Purposes. Further, Tino lectures at the LL.M. program of the University of Zurich and at the Advanced Master Studies of the Institute of Financial Services Zug IFZ. He is a regular contributor in legal textbooks and law journals.
Domaines d'activité
Experience professionnelle Parcours académique
Parcours académique
2011 Partner, Lenz & Staehelin 2004 Joined Lenz & Staehelin 2003-04 Covington & Burling, New York 2003 Kellogg School of Management (Certificate in Business Administration) 2003 Northwestern University School of Law (LL.M.) 2000 Swiss Bar Admission 1997 University of Zurich (lic. iur.) 1995 University of Salamanca, Spain -
Domaines d'activité
Corporate and M&A, Public Tender Offers, Private Equity, Capital Markets, Corporate Governance, Banking and Finance -
German, English, Spanish, French -
Zurich Bar Association (ZAV), Swiss Bar Association (SAV), International Bar Association (IBA), Swiss-Indian Chamber of Commerce (SICC) -
- Gaberthüel T., Haechler T., Ausgewählte Besonderheiten bei M&A-Transaktionen durch Private Equity Funds, in: EuropaInstitut, 9. Tagung zu Private Equity – Tagungsband 2024
- Gaberthüel T., Ehrsam S., Schweizer Übernahmerecht - ausgewählte aktuelle Entwicklungen, in: SZW/RSDA, 5/2024
- Rötheli A., Gaberthüel T., Trabaldo Togna F., Mergers & Acquisitions: Switzerland 2024, in: Lexology In-Depth, 17th edition, January 2024
- Tschäni R., Gaberthüel T., Basler Kommentar OR II, Art. 751, 6th edition, Basel 2023
- Gaberthüel T., Ehrsam S., Praktische Umsetzung der Aktienrechtsrevision, in: GesKR (Gesellschafts- und Kapitalmarktrecht) 2/2023
- Gaberthüel T., Diem H., The Corporate Governance Review 2023 - Switzerland, in: The Law Reviews, 13th edition, May 2023
- Gaberthüel T., Tschäni R., Transaktionsrecht, FinfraG, FIDLEG, in: Nobel/Müller (eds.), Berner Kommentar - Das Aktienrecht - Kommentar der ersten Stunde, Berne 2023, 447 et seqq.
- Gaberthüel T., Nachträgliche Leistung von Einlagen, Kapitalschutz, in: Theus Simoni/Hauser/Bärtschi, Handbuch Schweizer Aktienrecht, 2nd edition, Basel 2022, § 74a, § 77a
- Gaberthüel T., Tokenisierung von Aktien unter dem neuen DLT-Gesetz (insb. Art. 973d ff. OR) und CMTA Standard, in: SZW/RSDA, 3/2022, 254-263
- Gaberthüel T., Diem H., Mergers & Acquisitions 2020 - Switzerland, in: The Legal 500 Country Comparative Guides, March 2020
- Tschäni R., Diem H., Gaberthüel T., Öffentliche Kaufangebote, 4th edition, Zurich 2020
- Tschäni R., Gaberthüel T., Kommentierung von Art. 175-183 CO (Commentary on Certain Articles of the Code of Obligations), in: Widmer/Lüchinger/Oser (eds.), Basler Kommentar zum Obligationenrecht I, 7th edition, Basel 2019
- Gaberthüel T., Stamm- & Kapitalschutz, Ausschüttungen, in: Theus Simoni/Hauser/Bärtschi (eds.), Handbuch Schweizer GmbH-Recht
- Ledermann D., Gaberthüel T., Shareholders' Rights & Shareholder Activism 2019 - Switzerland: Trends & Developments, in: Chambers Global Practice Guide, November 2019
- Diem H., Gaberthüel T., Corporate M&A 2019 - Switzerland, in: Chambers Global Practice Guides, May 2018
- Tschäni R., Gaberthüel T., Offenlegungsrecht (Disclosure of Significant Participations), in: Sester/Brändli/Bartholet/Schildknecht (eds.), St. Galler Handbuch zum Finanzmarktrecht, Finanzmarktaufsicht und Finanzmarktinfrastrukturen, Zurich/St. Gallen 2018, § 23
- Gaberthüel T., Cyber-Security fordert Unternehmen, in: Neue Zürcher Zeitung, 31.08.2017
- Gaberthüel T., Diem H., Public M&A in Switzerland, in: India Unleashed - 2017 Legal and Investment Guide, May 2017, 126-131
- Gaberthüel T., Particularities of the Swiss Takeover Law, in: Global Mergers & Acquisitions Guide 2017, supplement to The American Lawyer, January 2017, 40-42
- Gaberthüel T., Frey H., Oural M., Poskriakov F., Revised Swiss anti-bribery and corruption law - Increased duties for companies and boards of Directors, in: International Enforcement Law Reporter, volume 32, issue 7, July 2016, 274-276
- Gaberthüel T., Revised Rules on Anti-Bribery and Corruption Law - Increased Duties for Companies and Their Boards of Directors, in: CapLaw, Swiss Capital Markets Law, 03/2016, 2-6
- Gaberthüel T., "Verstrafrechtlichung" der Wirtschaft nimmt zu, in: Finanz und Wirtschaft, 23.03.2016
- Diem H., Gaberthüel T., New Transparency Rules in Respect of Holders of Bearer Shares and Qualified Beneficial Owners of Unlisted Shares of Swiss Companies, in: CapLaw, Swiss Capital Markets Law, 5/2015, 2-8
- Gaberthüel T., Auswirkungen der Finanzkrise auf M&A-Transaktionen im Bankensektor, in: Tschäni (ed.), M&A XVII, Zurich 2015, 189-228
- Gaberthüel T., Kommentierung von Art. 3, 7, 8, 14, 22 FusG (Commentary on Certain Articles of the Merger Act), in: Watter/Vogt/Tschäni/Daeniker (eds.), Basler Kommentar zum Fusionsgesetz, 2nd edition, Basel 2015
- Wolf M., Gaberthüel T., Corporate M&A 2015 - Switzerland - Trends & Developments, in: Chambers Legal Practice Guide Corporate M&A 2015
- Gaberthüel T., Breitenstein S., Heikler Bereinigungsprozess im Bankensektor, in: Finanz und Wirtschaft, 21 May 2014
- Wolf M., Gaberthüel T., Consideration shares - Buyer shares as acquisition currency, in: The Lawyer, 28 October 2013, 40-42
- Wolf M., Gaberthüel T., Käuferaktien als Zahlungsmittel bei M&A-Transaktionen, in: GesKR (Gesellschafts- und Kapitalmarktrecht) 2/2013, 195-215
- Gaberthüel T., Konkurrenz von Vollangeboten und Teilangeboten, in: GesKR (Gesellschafts- und Kapitalmarktrecht), 1/2012, 105-112
- Gaberthüel T., Competing Public Tender Offers in Switzerland, in: Legal Week, 15 September 2011, 24-27
Activités complémentaires
Admitted as an expert to SIX Swiss Exchange for Listing Purposes.
Lecturer on M&A law in the LL.M. program of the University of Zurich.
Lecturer of Advanced Master Studies Controlling / Corporate Finance at the Institute for Financial Services Zug IFZ.
Assistant (e)
Activités complémentaires
Admitted as an expert to SIX Swiss Exchange for Listing Purposes.
Lecturer on M&A law in the LL.M. program of the University of Zurich.
Lecturer of Advanced Master Studies Controlling / Corporate Finance at the Institute for Financial Services Zug IFZ.
Tino Gaberthüel receives widespread plaudits from market commentators for his "deep knowledge" and expertise in providing a "superior client service".
Who's Who Legal, 2024Very hardworking and exceptionally responsive, technically impeccable, commercially pragmatic in negotiations, and well connected.
The Legal 500, 2024Open-minded, practical and commercial... a partner you would want to work with
Chambers & Partners, 2024Simply an outstanding lawyer... great negotiator and coordinator... excellent communication skills
Chambers & Partners, 2024Tino Gaberthüel has a thoughtful negotiation style, he is commercial when needed, and he got us through a complex situation
Chambers & Partners, 2023He builds a strong sense of trust with his clients and his dedication is outstanding.
Who's Who Legal, 2023Tino Gaberthüel is lauded as “an incredibly smart and experienced M&A expert with a friendly personality”.
Who's Who Legal, 2022Top notch listed company/takeover expert.
Legal 500, 2022Number one practitioner in Switzerland and well known for outstanding quality and efficiency and for going the extra mile.
Who's Who Legal, 2021His work is excellent, to the point and efficient
Chambers, 2021An excellent M&A lawyer who is very easy to communicate with
Legal 500, 2020Very meticulous, committed and solution-oriented
Chambers & Partners, 2020Good negotiator and a pleasure to deal with
Chambers & Partners, 2020