Xavier Favre-Bulle
Partner, Head of Arbitration
Dr. iur., Attorney at Law, LL.M. (D.E.S.)
Partner, Head of Arbitration Dr. iur., Attorney at Law, LL.M. (D.E.S.) +41 58 450 70 00 xavier.favre-bulle@lenzstaehelin.com |
Geneva Route de Chêne 30 CH-1211 Geneva www.lenzstaehelin.com |
Dr. Favre-Bulle has 30 years of experience in dispute resolution (arbitration as counsel or arbitrator, ADR, court litigation). He has been involved in some 270 arbitrations (e.g. sales agreements, agency & distribution, licences, joint ventures, shareholders agreements, post-M&A disputes, etc., in various business industries such as energy, construction, luxury goods, telecommunications, pharmaceuticals, banking, aerospace, sports, investment protection, etc.). At Lenz & Staehelin in Geneva, Dr. Favre-Bulle leads the Arbitration group and the Sports law sector. He is a frequent speaker at conferences and the author of some 80 books and articles.
Domaines d'activité
Secteurs d'activité
Experience professionnelle Parcours académique
Parcours académique
2003 Partner at Lenz & Staehelin 2000 Solicitor of the Senior Courts of England & Wales 1994 Joined Lenz & Staehelin 1988-1994 Research assistant, Commercial Law Department, University of Geneva 1999 College of Law, London (UK), Visiting foreign lawyer, Herbert Smith, London 1998 Ph.D., Faculty of Law, University of Geneva 1996 Bar exam, Geneva (admitted to Geneva Bar in 1997) 1992 Academy of European Law, European University Institute, Florence (Italy) 1991 Diplôme d'études supérieures en droit (LL.M.), Faculty of Law, University of Geneva 1988 Licence en droit (LLB), Faculty of Law, University of Geneva -
Domaines d'activité
Litigation and Arbitration, Commercial and Contracts, Sports -
French, English, German -
Panels of Arbitrators of ICC Switzerland, International Centre for Dispute Resolution (ICDR), Singapore International Arbitration Centre (SIAC), Hong Kong International Arbitration Centre (HKIAC), Asian International Arbitration Centre (AIAC), Dubai International Arbitration Centre (DIAC), Cairo Regional Centre for International Commercial Arbitration (CRCICA), Tehran Regional Arbitration Centre (TRAC), Russian Arbitration Association (RAA), Arbitration Centre at the Russian Union of Industrialists and Entre-preneurs (RSPP) and Russian Arbitration Center (RAC) at the Russian Institute of Modern Arbitration (RIMA). Advisor to Japan Institute for International Arbitration Research and Training (JIART), Gulf Cooperation Council Commercial Arbitration Centre (GCCCAC) and Borneo International Centre for Arbitration and Mediation (BICAM). Member of, among others, Swiss Arbitration Association (ASA), London Court of International Arbitration (LCIA), SIAC Users' Council, DIFC-LCIA Users' Council, Comité français de l'arbitrage (CFA), Associazione Italiana per l'Arbitrato (AIA), International Council for Commercial Arbitration (ICCA), International Arbitration Institute (IAI), International Bar Association (IBA), Union Internationale des Avocats (UIA), The Law Society of England & Wales, Geneva Bar and Swiss Bar Associations, Société suisse des Juristes, Association of International Business Lawyers (AIBL), Association suisse de droit du sport (ASDS) etc. -
- Favre-Bulle X., Case Notes on International Arbitration, Switzerland 2022, in: Swiss Review of International and European Law (SRIEL), 2023, 691-719
- Favre-Bulle X., Wehland H., Swiss Arbitration Centre, in: Schweizerische Zeitschrift für Zivilprozess- und Zwangsvollstreckungsrecht (ZZZ), 60/2022, 429-431
- Favre-Bulle X., Case Notes on International Arbitration, Switzerland 2021, in: Swiss Review of International and European Law (SRIEL), 2022, 675-701
- Ohlhoff-Smahi N., Panorama de jurisprudence suisse – Swiss Arbitration Case Law Review, in: Les Cahiers de l’Arbitrage – The Paris Journal of International Arbitration; 4/2022; 4/2021; 2/2020; 3/2019; 3/2018; 4/2017; 3/2016; 3/2015; 4/2014; 3/2013
- Favre-Bulle X., The Swiss Rules of International Arbitration, Practice Note - Introduction, in: ASA Bulletin 2/2022, 259-260
- Favre-Bulle X., Case Notes on International Arbitration, Switzerland 2020, in: Swiss Review of International and European Law (SRIEL), 2021, 793-822
- Favre-Bulle X., Frey H., Rötheli A., Riz à Porta G., Switzerland, in: The Mergers and Acquisitions Litigation Review, Law Business Research, 2021, 142-180
- Frey H., Rötheli A., Favre-Bulle X., Riz à Porta G., The Mergers and Acquisitions Litigation Review - Switzerland, in: The Law Reviews, 1st edition, December 2020, 120-128
- Favre-Bulle X., Case Notes on International Arbitration, in: Swiss Review of International and European Law (SRIEL), 2020, 757-784
- Favre-Bulle X., Why Arbitration in Switzerland Becomes Even More Attractive, Why Arbitration in Switzerland Becomes Even More Attractive?, in Russian Arbitration Association Newsletter N. 8 (22), September-October 2020, 10-14
- Favre-Bulle X., Case Notes on International Arbitration. Switzerland 2019, in: SRIEL, 4/2019, 659-689
- Favre-Bulle X., Frey H., Arbitration 2019 Switzerland, in: Getting the Deal Through, February 2019, 285-292
- Favre-Bulle X., Natural resources exploitation: business and human rights (Editor), in: UIA-LexisNexis publications collection, November 2018
- Favre-Bulle X., Yukos Arbitration Saga: the Swiss Part, in: Russian Arbitration Association Newsletter N. 2 (2), October 2018, 21-24
- Favre-Bulle X., Case Notes on International Arbitration. Switzerland, 2017, in: SRIEL, 3/2018, 425-453
- Favre-Bulle X., Frey H., Arbitration 2018 - Switzerland, in: Getting the Deal Through, February 2018, 317-323
- Favre-Bulle X., Case Notes on International Arbitration. Switzerland, 2016, in: SRIEL, 3/2017, 447-474
- Favre-Bulle X., Frey H., Arbitration 2017 - Switzerland, in: Getting the Deal Through, March 2017, 339-345
- Frey H., Favre-Bulle X., Aebi M., Arbitration procedures and practice in Switzerland, in: Practical Law Multi-Jurisdictional Guide, Arbitration 2016/17
- Favre-Bulle X., Case Notes on International Arbitration. Switzerland, 2015, in: SRIEL, 4/2016, 673-700
- Favre-Bulle X., Frey H., Arbitration 2016 - Switzerland, in: Getting the Deal Through, Law Business Research 2016, 353-359
- Favre-Bulle X., Pechstein v. Court of Arbitration for Sport: How Can We Break the Ice?, in: Müller C./Besson S./Rigozzi A. (ed.), New Developments in International Commercial Arbitration 2015, Zurich, 2015
- Favre-Bulle X., The UIA in Valencia, The Commodisation of Sport Through Trade Marks, in: Juriste International, No 2015-3, 13
- Frey H., Favre-Bulle X., Aebi M., Arbitration procedures and practice in Switzerland, in: Practical Law Multi-Jurisdictional Guide, Arbitration 2015/16
- Favre-Bulle X., CAS Arbitration Proceedings: Is Sports Arbitration so Different?, in: Journal of International Trade and Arbitration Law (JITAL), 2015
- Favre-Bulle X., Frey H., Arbitration 2015 - Switzerland, in: Getting the Deal Through, Law Business Research 2015, 423-429
- Favre-Bulle X., Case Notes on International Arbitration. Switzerland, 2014, in: SRIEL, 2/2015, 287-331
- Favre-Bulle X., Case Notes on International Arbitration. Switzerland, 2012-2013, in: SRIEL, 2/2014, 297-336
- Frey H., Favre-Bulle X., Aebi M., Arbitration procedures and practice in Switzerland, in: Practical Law Multi-Jurisdictional Guide, Arbitration 2014/2015
- Favre-Bulle X., Patocchi ., Case Notes on International Arbitration (II). Switzerland, 2011, in: SRIEL, 3/2013, 541-560
- Favre-Bulle X., Monismo y dualismo de las leyes de arbitraje: ¿Son todas ellas dualistas?, in: Arbitraje Internacional, Pasado, Presente y Futuro, Libro Homenaje a Bernardo Cremades e Yves Derains, Ed. Carlos Alberto Soto Coaguila y Delia Revoredo Marsano de Mur, Instituto Peruano de Arbitraje, Lima 2013, 1437-1457
- Favre-Bulle X., Patocchi ., Case Notes on International Arbitration (I). Switzerland, 2011, in: SRIEL, 2/2013, 305-334
- Favre-Bulle X., Babel ., Contrat de Transaction, in: Marchand/Chappuis/Jeandin (eds.), Contrats commerciaux en droit suisse, Basle 2013
- Favre-Bulle X., L'effet cassatoire des décisions du Tribunal fédéral suisse et les pouvoirs (circonscrits) des arbitres de restatuer, in: Les Cahiers de l’Arbitrage/The Paris Journal of International Arbitration, 2013-2, 417-438
- Favre-Bulle X., Le Règlement Suisse d’Arbitrage International (« Swiss Rules ») : de 2004 à la révision (légère) de 2012, in: Revue de Droit des Affaires Internationales (RDAI) 2013, 21-39
Activités complémentaires
Senior Co-Chair, Arbitration Committee of the International Bar Association (IBA); former Senior Vice-Chair, Sport Law Committee.
President, Arbitration Court of the Swiss Arbitration Centre (2021-2023).
Academic Council Member of the Swiss Arbitration Academy.
Member of the ICC Institute of World Business Law.
Past activities include:
Member of the ICC Commission on Arbitration and ADR.
Member of the ADR Commission of the Geneva Bar Association.
Member of the Arbitration Committee of the Geneva Chamber of Commerce and Industry (2002-2012) as well as the Arbitration Committee and Special Committee of the Swiss Chambers of Commerce (2004-2012).
President of the International Arbitration Commission, of the Sports Law Commission and member of the Governing Board of Union Internationale des Avocats (UIA).
Lecturer in law at the University of Versailles (Master “Arbitration and International Business Law"); University of Zurich (LL.M. “International Sports Law”); University of Geneva (various fields in contract law); Swiss Arbitration Academy.
Assistant (e)
Activités complémentaires
Senior Co-Chair, Arbitration Committee of the International Bar Association (IBA); former Senior Vice-Chair, Sport Law Committee.
President, Arbitration Court of the Swiss Arbitration Centre (2021-2023).
Academic Council Member of the Swiss Arbitration Academy.
Member of the ICC Institute of World Business Law.
Past activities include:
Member of the ICC Commission on Arbitration and ADR.
Member of the ADR Commission of the Geneva Bar Association.
Member of the Arbitration Committee of the Geneva Chamber of Commerce and Industry (2002-2012) as well as the Arbitration Committee and Special Committee of the Swiss Chambers of Commerce (2004-2012).
President of the International Arbitration Commission, of the Sports Law Commission and member of the Governing Board of Union Internationale des Avocats (UIA).
Lecturer in law at the University of Versailles (Master “Arbitration and International Business Law"); University of Zurich (LL.M. “International Sports Law”); University of Geneva (various fields in contract law); Swiss Arbitration Academy.
Lawyer of the Year in Arbitration and Mediation in Geneva
Best Lawyer, 2024“Xavier is known for his organisation, thoroughness and leadership”. Peers and clients say: “Xavier is an important name in arbitration and a very fine lawyer”. “He has sharp and fair judgement and serious dedication to his clients”
Who's Who Legal Thought Leaders Switzerland Arbitration 2024Xavier Favre-Bulle is “an arbitration practitioner with an impressive track record in disputes arising from the construction, energy, life sciences and sports sectors”
Who's Who Legal Switzerland Arbitration 2024Xavier has extensive experience advising Swiss and international sports professionals in an array of complex commercial disputes
Who's Who Legal Switzerland Sports & Entertainment 2024Xavier Favre-Bulle is a seasoned practitioner with extensive experience handling disputes arising from the sports, retail, healthcare and energy sectors
Who's Who Legal Switzerland Commercial Litigation 2024Xavier Favre-Bulle “is excellent as arbitrator”, “he knows files inside out and is apparently able to identify key issues for the tribunal to decide on”
Chambers Global and Chambers Europe 2024 (Switzerland: Band 1 Arbitration Counsel, Band 2 Arbitrator)“Dr Xavier Favre-Bulle is a seasoned and professional arbitrator and lawyer who thinks strategically”; he is also described as “a very good, clever arbitrator” and “extremely good both as counsel and arbitrator”
Chambers Global and Chambers Europe 2024 (Europe-wide: Band 3 Most In Demand Arbitrators, Band 5 International Arbitration)Xavier Favre-Bulle is very responsive and offers strategy-minded solutions.
Chambers Global and Chambers Europe 2023 (Switzerland: Band 1 Arbitration Counsel, Band 3 Arbi-trator; Europe-wide: Band 3 Most In Demand Arbitrators, Band 5 International Arbitration)Xavier Favre-Bulle is recognised as “a fabulous arbitrator”, “exceptionally well-prepared, fast thinking and highly diligent arbitrators with an excellent sense for productive and value-added solutions”
Legal 500 2023 (Dispute Resolution: Tier 1)Xavier Favre-Bulle really stands out as one of the best if not the best in Sports arbitration but also in commercial and regulatory matters. He is knowledgeable and pragmatic, always providing sound advice, backed with years of practice and he can rely on the high-quality work of his A-team.
Legal 500 2023 (Sports Law: Tier 2)He is very smart, responsive, fully committed to the cases and provides excellent advice.
Chambers Global and Chambers Europe, 2022He is a dynamic, reliable and easy to deal with counsel.
Legal 500, 2021He provides strategic advice and is always thinking one step ahead and sources state that they would recommend him without any doubt.
Chambers, 2021He is an excellent choice for anyone looking for an experienced arbitrator with a Swiss law background.
Chambers Global and Chambers Europe, 2022He is perfect from a technical point of view and always provides strategic advice.
Chambers Global and Chambers Europe, 2022He is a fast thinker and is very precise in his analysis.
Chambers Global and Chambers Europe, 2022An excellent arbitration practitioner with strong skills in cross-examination
Who’s Who Legal Arbitration, 2022A star in the field and has vast experience in high-profile sports arbitration matters
Who’s Who Legal Sports & Entertainment 2022He is a great CAS strategist.
Who’s Who Legal Sports & Entertainment 2022Xavier Favre-Bulle is singled out among peers for his extensive experience providing strategic advice to clients in complex sports disputes.
Who’s Who Legal Sports & Entertainment 2022Really outstanding arbitrator
Legal 500, 2022Knowledgeable in sports arbitration matters
Legal 500, 2022His cross-examination of witnesses at the arbitration proceedings was particularly impressive.
Chambers, 2021Provides strategic advice and is always thinking one step ahead
Chambers Global and Chambers Europe, 2021Would recommend him without any doubt
Chambers Global and Chambers Europe, 2021Produces top-quality work as arbitrator and counsel and distinguishes himself as a top practitioner in Switzerland
Who’s Who Legal Arbitration, 2021Xavier Favre-Bulle's “reputation speaks for itself” remark impressed sources, adding he is “great on sports arbitration”, “acting for a number of international federations”.
Who’s Who Legal Sports & Entertainment, 2021He is highly knowledgeable, experienced, engaged and supportive. He surrounded himself with an A-team of lawyers.
Legal 500, 2021Leading arbitrator having brought to sport arbitration his perfect command of commercial arbitration
Legal 500, 2021Very competent and reactive
Legal 500, 2021Dynamic, reliable and easy to deal with counsel
Legal 500, 2021Very reliable and a pleasure to work with
Chambers Global and Chambers Europe, 2020Very active and someone who really follows the file
Chambers Global and Chambers Europe, 2020Excellent both as an arbitrator and as counsel
Chambers, 2020Powerful counsel who will leave no stone unturned, with a strong arbitration experience, having been involved in more than 200 disputes across a range of industries.
Who’s Who Legal Switzerland, 2020A top-notch arbitrator and advocate
Who’s Who Legal Arbitration, 2020A go-to person for arbitration matters in Geneva
Who’s Who Legal Arbitration, 2020One of Switzerland's best arbitrators
Who’s Who Legal Arbitration, 2020Very highly regarded as both counsel and arbitrator
Who’s Who Legal Sports & Entertainment 2020Top star in the field
Who’s Who Legal Sports & Entertainment 2020Has vast experience in high-profile sports arbitration matters
Who’s Who Legal Sports & Entertainment 2020One of the most experienced, diligent and practised Swiss arbitration lawyers; one of the brilliant brains in Swiss arbitration
Chambers, 2019Sharp-minded and brilliant lawyer who considers every matter in a smart way that is in the best interest of the client
Chambers, 2019Xavier Favre-Bulle is a top name in the Swiss arbitration space who is recognised by sources for ‘his excellent arguments, and meticulous organisation and preparation´.
Who’s Who Legal Switzerland, 2019A widely respected figure in the Swiss market, recognised by peers for his exceptional work with an extensive experience in the field
Who’s Who Legal Arbitration, 2019Stands out in the market for his excellent sports law practice and is recognised for his top-class work handling related disputes in both international and domestic arbitration proceedings
Who’s Who Legal Sports & Entertainment, 2019He has an excellent reputation both locally in Switzerland and in other European jurisdictions.
Chambers, 2018
Case Notes on International Arbitration, Switzerland 2022
in: Swiss Review of International and European Law (SRIEL), 2023, 691-719
Swiss Arbitration Centre
in: Schweizerische Zeitschrift für Zivilprozess- und Zwangsvollstreckungsrecht (ZZZ), 60/2022, 429-431