Barbara Abegg
Dr. iur., Attorney at Law, MJur, CAS in Arbitration
Counsel Dr. iur., Attorney at Law, MJur, CAS in Arbitration +41 58 450 80 00 barbara.abegg@lenzstaehelin.com |
Zurich Brandschenkestrasse 24 CH-8027 Zurich www.lenzstaehelin.com |
Dr. Barbara Abegg joined Lenz & Staehelin in 2017 and is based at our Zurich office, where she specialises in intellectual property – mainly patent and trademark law – and unfair competition. Barbara represents clients in litigation before Swiss courts, arbitration proceedings and administrative matters before governmental authorities. She also regularly advises on a broad range of other intellectual property and unfair competition law matters. Barbara will be teaching unfair competition law at the University of Berne starting this year, 2024. She is regularly invited to talk about intellectual property at conferences and has published on a wide range of intellectual property topics.
Professional Experience and Education
and Education
2023 Counsel, Lenz & Staehelin 2017 Associate, Lenz & Staehelin 2015 Associate, IP Boutique in Zurich 2013 Associate, IP Boutique in Berne 2010 Teaching and Research Assistant to Prof. Dr. Cyrill P. Rigamonti, University of Berne, Institute for Economic Law 2008 Associate, business law firm in Lucerne 2022 CAS Arbitration 2017 University of Oxford (MJur) 2013 University of Berne (Dr. iur.) 2008 Swiss Bar Admission 2007 University of Lucerne (lic. iur.) -
Specialist Areas
Intellectual Property, Unfair Competition, Licensing, Contract Law, Litigation and Arbitration, Technology and Outsourcing -
German, English -
International Association for the Protection of Intellectual Property (AIPPI), Deutsche Vereinigung für gewerblichen Rechtsschutz und Urheberrecht (GRUR), European Communities Trademark Association (ECTA) (Member Copyright and WIPO Link Committee), Institut für Gewerblichen Rechtsschutz (INGRES), Zurich and Swiss Bar Association (ZAV, SAV) -
- Abegg B., Marmy-Brändli S., Repetitorium Immaterialgüterrecht, in: Orell Füssli Verlag, 4th edition, Zurich 2023
- Abegg B., Recognition and enforcement of awards providing for specific performance or permanent injunctions, inter alia, in IP disputes, in: Daniel Girsberger/Christoph Müller (eds.), Selected Papers on International Arbitration, Volume 7, Berne 2023
- Ling P., Abegg B., Compulsory licensing in a (post) covid-19 world, in: IAM Life Sciences: Key issues for senior life sciences executives 2021, June 2021, 59-63
- Abegg B., Noth ., Advertising Law in Switzerland, in: Paul Jordan and Andrew Butcher, Bristows LLP (eds.), International Advertising Law - A Practical Global Guide, 2nd edition, March 2021
- Abegg B., Es grünt so grün, wenn der EuGH den grünen Punkt nicht für verfallen erklärt, in: sic! 2020, 441-443
- Ling P., Abegg B., Life sciences battlefields - hot litigation topics in Switzerland, in: IAM Life Sciences: Key issues for senior life sciences executives 2020, May 2020, 83-89
- Abegg B., Anmerkung zum Urteil "Archroma Management GmbH; Archroma IP GmbH; Archroma Consulting Switzerland GmbH / accroma labtec AG", Bundesgericht vom 24. September 2019, in: sic! 3/2020, 144
- Abegg B., Anmerkung zum Urteil "Abacavir Lamivudin", Bundesgericht vom 12. März 2019, in: sic! 2019, 440-443
- Abegg B., The geographical trade mark: a Swiss innovation worth copying?, International Review of Intellectual Property and Competition Law (IIC) 2018, 565
- Abegg B., Swissness als Chance - Die Swiss Made-V für Kosmetika geht sogar noch einen Schritt weiter als die neuen Herkunftsanforderungen, in Life Science Recht 2/2018, S. 115-119
- Abegg B., Fallbesprechung, Staatsanwaltschaft Lenzburg-Aarau, Strafbefehl vom 30. April 2015, Strafbare Handlung durch grobes Foul, in: SpuRt 2015, issue 5
- Abegg B., Noth ., Advertising Law in Switzerland, in: Paul Jordan (ed.), International Advertising Law - A Practical Global Guide, Llandysul 2014
- Abegg B., Zur lauterkeitsrechtlichen Natur der berühmten Marke, in: sic! 2014, 519 et seqq.
- Abegg B., Beweislast bei angeblich gefälschten Markenartikeln - Anmerkung zu HGer Bern, Massnahmeentscheid Az. HG 13 116 vom 28. Februar 2014, in: «Converse All Star», GB - Der Grüne Bote, 2016, 14 et seqq.
- Abegg B., Der Gebrauch der fremden Marke im Geschäftsverkehr - Eine marken- und lauterkeitsrechtliche Untersuchung nach schweizerischem und europäischem Recht, Doctoral Thesis, Bern 2013
- Abegg B., Noth ., Neuerungen im CAS-Code 2013, in: Causa Sport 2013, 112 et seqq.
Other Activities
Case editor for the Swiss journal for Intellectual Property, Information and Competition Law sic!
Reporter Swiss journal Life Science Recht (LSR)
Contact Details
Other Activities
Case editor for the Swiss journal for Intellectual Property, Information and Competition Law sic!
Reporter Swiss journal Life Science Recht (LSR)
“Drawing on extensive case law expertise, Barbara excels in representing clients in intellectual property disputes. She continues to establish herself as the go-to expert for companies aiming to safeguard their intellectual property in the Swiss market.”
WTR 1000, 2025Barbara is a delight to collaborate with, demonstrating a swift and responsive approach to implementing necessary actions. Even amid complexity, she maintains a comprehensive overview, managing cases with efficiency and a goal-driven focus.
IAM Patent 1000, 2024
Repetitorium Immaterialgüterrecht
in: Orell Füssli Verlag, 4th edition, Zurich 2023
Recognition and enforcement of awards providing for specific performance or permanent injunctions, inter alia, in IP disputes
in: Daniel Girsberger/Christoph Müller (eds.), Selected Papers on International Arbitration, Volume 7, Berne 2023