Olivier Stahler
Partner, Co-Head of Asset Management
Attorney at Law, LL.M.
Partner, Co-Head of Asset Management Attorney at Law, LL.M. +41 58 450 70 00 olivier.stahler@lenzstaehelin.com |
Geneva Route de Chêne 30 CH-1211 Geneva www.lenzstaehelin.com |
Olivier Stahler is a partner who specialises in banking and finance law, acting for a broad range of Swiss and foreign financial institutions. These include banks, fund managers and insurance companies, as well as commodities traders and industrial groups. Olivier gives regulatory advice in the context of the granting of licences for banks, securities houses and asset managers by the Swiss financial market supervisory authority. He is also involved in the structuring of financial products, in particular private equity and hedge funds, and acts for financial institutions and corporate borrowers in both domestic and international financing transactions. Olivier is a frequent speaker at professional conferences on banking and financial law issues, as well as investment funds. In 2024, Olivier Stahler has been recognised "Lawyer of the Year" by Best Lawyers for Private Equity Law.
Professional Experience and Education
and Education
2002 Partner at Lenz & Staehelin 1995 Joined Lenz & Staehelin 1994 University of Edinburgh (LL.M.) 1992 Admission to the Geneva Bar 1990 University of Lausanne (lic. iur.) -
Specialist Areas
Banking and Finance, Investment Products, Financial Services, Private Equity, Corporate and M&A -
French, English -
International Bar Association (IBA), Swiss Bar Association (FSA), Geneva Bar Association (OdA) -
- Stahler O., Amiguet ., Kommentierung von Art. 14, Art. 25-27 and 30-31 FINIG, in: Basler Kommentar zum Finanzdienstleistungsgesetz / Finanzinstitutsgesetz, Bhar/Watter (eds), Basel 2023 (forthcoming)
- Rayroux F., Stahler O., Bechaalany S., The New Swiss Unregulated Fund: L-QIF, in: Journal of International Banking Law And Regulation, Thomson Reuters and Contributors, Volume 38, Issue 3, 2023, 109-112
- Stahler O., Chapter 7 - Switzerland, in: The Law of Private Equity Funds: A Global Perspective, Sweet & Maxwell, 2022, 107-122
- Stahler O., Commentaire des art. 55-57, in: Commentaire Romand, LSFin, Helbing, 2022
- Stahler O., Hünerwadel P., Schleiffer P., Equity Derivatives 2020 - Switzerland, in: Getting the Deal Through, August 2020, 73-83
- Stahler O., Marketing - Selected Jurisdiction - Switzerland, in: The Law of Hedge Funds - A Global Perspective, 2nd edition, May 2018, 448-451
- Stahler O., Onshore Fund Domiciles - Switzerland, in: The Law of Hedge Funds - A Global Perspective, 2nd edition, May 2018, 167-180
- Stahler O., Swiss Hedge Fund Marketing Regulations, in: The Hedge Fund Law Report, Volume 8, no. 9, March 2015
- Stahler O., Distribution of hedge funds in Switzerland, in The Hedge Fund Journal, October 2014 Issue 98
- Ledermann D., Stahler O., Investing, Switzerland, in: The Private Equity Review, London 2012, 332-341
- Schleiffer P., Stahler O., The revised listing rules of the SIX Swiss Exchange for bonds, in: The Euromoney International Debt Capital Markets Handbook 2010, 41-43
- Stahler O., Amiguet ., Commentary of the Swiss Federal Act on Collective Investment Schemes, Art. 18 (Asset Managers), in: Basler Kommentar zum Kollektivanlagengesetz, Basel 2009
- Stahler O., Poskriakov F., Financial Services Regulation in Europe, 2nd edition, chapter 39 - Switzerland, Oxford University Press, 2008
- Stahler O., Schleiffer P., Distribution of Structured Products in Switzerland, in: The Euromoney International Debt Capital Markets Handbook 2008, 105-107
- Stahler O., Schleiffer P., Distribution of Fund-Linked Notes in Switzerland, in: The Euromoney International Debt Capital Markets Handbook 2007, 189-191
- Stahler O., Schafer D., Poskriakov F., Private Equity Fund Structures in Europe, an EVCA Tax and Legal Committee Paper, edited by SJ Berwin, January 2006
Other Activities
Olivier Stahler is a regular contributor to the publications of the Center for Banking and Financial Law of the University of Geneva. He is the Swiss correspondent for the Journal of International Banking Law and Regulation. Olivier Stahler was the Swiss member of the Tax and Legal Committee of the European Private Equity and Venture Capital Association (EVCA) from 2006 to 2012.
Contact Details
Céline Piperaux
Annabelle Touche
Other Activities
Olivier Stahler is a regular contributor to the publications of the Center for Banking and Financial Law of the University of Geneva. He is the Swiss correspondent for the Journal of International Banking Law and Regulation. Olivier Stahler was the Swiss member of the Tax and Legal Committee of the European Private Equity and Venture Capital Association (EVCA) from 2006 to 2012.
He consistently combines extremely high technical knowledge with strong business acumen.
The Legal 500, 2024Olivier Stahler is a trusted adviser who has excellent legal skills and business judgement.
Chambers & Partners, 2024An outstanding regulatory lawyer
Who's Who Legal, 2024Most recently I have worked with Olivier Stahler and his team. It has been a fruitful and effective collaboration. I value his team’s timely responses, thorough work and quality output.
The Legal 500, 2023Olivier Stahler has been a great help. He gives good practical advice and is my go-to person for any Swiss legal issues. His experience, knowledge and common sense approach as well as his thoughtfulness in terms of how advice can be applied in practice has been invaluable. Moreover, he always considers the best interest of the client, the implications of taking or not taking certain actions.
The Legal 500, 2022Assess risks and strategic issues effectively and provide good practical advice
Who's Who Legal, 2022Highly responsive and eminently practical in his guidance
Chambers & Partners, 2021Seeks to understand our objectives and then proposes effective solutions
Chambers & Partners, 2021Exceptional technical skills and draws praise for his in-depth expertise in investment fund vehicles
Who's Who Legal, 2021Pragmatic approach, detailed knowledge of the regulations and laws but practical guidance on the various aspects
The Legal 500, 2021Visionary approach when dealing with more strategic issues
Who's Who Legal, 2020
Kommentierung von Art. 14, Art. 25-27 and 30-31 FINIG
in: Basler Kommentar zum Finanzdienstleistungsgesetz / Finanzinstitutsgesetz, Bhar/Watter (eds), Basel 2023 (forthcoming)
The New Swiss Unregulated Fund: L-QIF
in: Journal of International Banking Law And Regulation, Thomson Reuters and Contributors, Volume 38, Issue 3, 2023, 109-112