Xin Ye
Attorney at Law
Associate Attorney at Law +41 58 450 70 00 xin.ye@lenzstaehelin.com |
Geneva Route de Chêne 30 CH-1211 Geneva www.lenzstaehelin.com |
Xin Ye is a senior associate based at our Geneva office and a member of the Litigation and Arbitration group. She advises and represents clients in complex domestic and cross-border civil litigation, international commercial arbitration, and intellectual property disputes. Xin also handles criminal litigation, focusing on white-collar crime. In addition to her dispute resolution practice, Xin regularly advises on a broad range of corporate and contractual matters.
Professional Experience and Education
and Education
2024 Registered Foreign Lawyer at WongPartnership LLP, Singapore (secondment) 2019 Associate at Lenz & Staehelin 2017 Trainee lawyer at Lenz & Staehelin 2019 Admission to the Geneva Bar 2017 Universities of Geneva and Zurich (MLaw) 2014 University of Geneva (BLaw) -
Specialist Areas
Litigation and Arbitration, Civil and Commercial Litigation, International Commercial Arbitration, IP Litigation, Employment Litigation, White-Collar Criminal Litigation, Commercial and Contracts -
French, Chinese, English -
Swiss Bar Association (SBA), Geneva Bar Association (OdA), Swiss-Chinese Chamber of Commerce (SCCC) -
- Tunik D., Ye X., L'expertise privée en procédure civile: considérations pratiques à la lumière de l'art. 177 nCPC, in: Anwaltsrevue|Revue de l'avocat, Numéro 5|2024, p. 199 ss.
Contact Details
L'expertise privée en procédure civile: considérations pratiques à la lumière de l'art. 177 nCPC
in: Anwaltsrevue|Revue de l'avocat, Numéro 5|2024, p. 199 ss.