Anja Affolter Marino
Partner, Head of Employment, Pensions and Immigration
Attorney at Law
Partner, Head of Employment, Pensions and Immigration Attorney at Law +41 58 450 80 00 anja.affoltermarino@lenzstaehelin.com |
Zurich Brandschenkestrasse 24 CH-8027 Zurich www.lenzstaehelin.com |
Anja Affolter Marino is a partner based in our Zurich office, where she heads the Employment group. She advises national and multinational companies on employment, pensions and immigration matters. She regularly assists and represents these clients in proceedings before Swiss courts and administrative authorities. Anja also has extensive experience in domestic and cross-border insolvency and restructuring cases. She is listed as a Rising Star in IFLR1000. She is a member of the Zürich Bar Association (ZAV) and the Swiss Bar Association (FSA).
Professional Experience and Education
and Education
2024 Partner, Lenz & Staehelin 2014 Associate, Lenz & Staehelin 2014 Swiss Bar Admission 2011 University of Zurich (lic. iur.) -
Specialist Areas
Employment and Pensions, Litigation and Arbitration, Insolvency and Restructuring, Corporate Law -
German, Italian, English, French -
Swiss Bar Association (SAV), Zurich Bar Association (ZAV) -
- Affolter Marino A., Baumann L., Nauer E., Corporate Immigration 2024 - Switzerland, in: Chambers Global Practice Guides, June 2024
- Affolter Marino A., M&A und Arbeitsrecht – aktuelle Entwicklungen, in: EuropaInstitut, 26. Zürcher Konferenz Mergers & Acquisitions – Tagungsband 2023, Band 235
- Müller D., Affolter Marino A., Delli Colli F., Keine strafprozessualen Garantien bei internen Untersuchungen, in: GesKR (Gesellschafts- und Kapitalmarktrecht), 2/2024, 295
- Luginbühl T., Affolter Marino A., Corporate Restructuring and Insolvency under Revised Swiss Corporate Law, in: CapLaw 5/2020
- Affolter Marino A., Insolvenzrecht in der COVID-19-Krise: Notrecht und Ausblick, in: Recht relevant für Verwaltungsräte, 5/2020
- Luginbühl T., Brandner S., Affolter Marino A., Alles Gute kommt von oben - Rechts- und Steuerprobleme bei Zuschüssen und Aktionärsdarlehen, in: Sprecher (ed.) - Sanierung und Insolvenz von Unternehmen X, Zurich 2020
- Luginbühl T., Affolter Marino A., "Exit" aus der Nachlassstundung nach erfolgreicher Sanierung, in: SZW/RSDA 3/19
Contact Details
Anja Affolter Marino is a pleasure to work with; responsive and commercially-focused on the end result.
The Legal 500, 2024Marino is recommended for her 'excellent foreign language capabilities' and ability to 'translate legal knowledge into practical terms'.
The Legal 500, 2019