Matthias Oertle
Dr. iur., Attorney at Law
Partner Dr. iur., Attorney at Law +41 58 450 80 00 matthias.oertle@lenzstaehelin.com |
Zurich Brandschenkestrasse 24 CH-8027 Zurich www.lenzstaehelin.com |
Dr. Matthias Oertle is a partner based at our firm’s Zurich office and a member of our Employment, Pensions and Immigration group. His experience encompasses corporate law, venture capital and private clients.
Professional Experience and Education
and Education
1996 Partner, Lenz & Staehelin 1991 Joined Lenz & Staehelin 1990 University of Zurich (Dr. iur.) 1988 Swiss Bar Admission 1986 University of Zurich (lic. iur.) -
Specialist Areas
Employment, Pensions and Immigration, Corporate Law, Venture Capital, Private Clients -
German, English, French, Italian -
- Oertle M., Rousselle-Ruffieux S., Employment and Labour Law Switzerland - 2024, in: The Legal 500 Country Comparative Guides, 2024
- Oertle M., Rousselle-Ruffieux S., Employment and Labour Law Switzerland - 2023, in: The legal 500 country Comparative Guides, 2023
- Oertle M., Rousselle-Ruffieux S., The Corporate Immigration Review 2022 - Switzerland, in: The Law Reviews, 12th edition, May 2022, 176-185
- Oertle M., Pensions & Retirement Plans 2021 - Switzerland, in: Getting the Deal Through, March 2021, 22-29
- Oertle M., Stadtherr-Glättli F., Schärli P., The Executive Remuneration Review 2019 - Switzerland, in: The Law Reviews, 8th edition, November 2019, 265-277
- Oertle M., Corporate Immigration 2019 - Switzerland, in: International Comparative Legal Guide, July 2019, 243-250
- Oertle M., Employment and Labour Law - Switzerland, in: European Lawyer Reference Series, 6th edition, London 2015, 429-442
- Oertle M., Basler Kommentar Fusionsgesetz, Art. 27/28, 49/50, 68, 76/77, Basel 2015
- Oertle M., Commentary on the Regulations regarding Excessive Executive Remuneration, Art. 28, in: GesKR Commentary VegüV - Matthias Oertle, Art. 12 Rz 3, Zurich/St.Gallen 2014
- Oertle M., Arbeitsrecht im Konflikt mit der Verordnung gegen übermässige Vergütungen, in: GesKR 1/2014, 44-51
- Oertle M., Wolf M., Breitenstein S., Diem H., M&A - Recht und Wirtschaft in der Praxis, Liber Amicorum für Rudolf Tschäni, Zurich 2010
- Oertle M., Asset Securitization in der Schweiz, in: Schweizerische Zeitschrift für Wirtschaftsrecht (SZW), 4/1993, 153 et seqq.
- Oertle M., Das Gemeinschaftsunternehmen (Joint Venture) im schweizerischen Recht, Zurich 1990
Contact Details
Matthias Oertle stands at the forefront of the Swiss market, and his top-tier practice spans across contentious and non-contentious labour matters.
Who’s Who Legal, 2024Matthias Oertle is a seasoned practitioner in labour and immigration matters, working with a range of corporates and private clients.
Who’s Who Legal, 2024Matthias is excellent at assisting financial services clients in their employment matters.
Who’s Who Legal, 2022Matthias repeatedly lives up to the clients’ highest expectations.
Who’s Who Legal, 2022Matthias Oertle is a consummate professional. He is technically very astute, but also very commercial. He suggests solutions, rather than just identifying problems.
The Legal 500, 2021The vastly experienced Matthias Oertle is a well-rounded practitioner who excels at advising clients on matters involving employment and pensions.
Who’s Who Legal, 2021Matthias Oertle is a well-known lawyer who excels at advising clients on their occupational pensions and pension plans.
Who’s Who Legal, 2021Very knowledgeable, diligent and pragmatic
Legal 500, 2020He applies more than 25 years of experience to his phenomenal labour and employment practice.
Who’s Who Legal, 2020