Flavio Delli Colli
Attorney at Law, LL.M.
Partner Attorney at Law, LL.M. +41 58 450 80 00 flavio.dellicolli@lenzstaehelin.com |
Zurich Brandschenkestrasse 24 CH-8027 Zurich www.lenzstaehelin.com |
Flavio Delli Colli is an partner in our Zurich office. He is a litigator and has significant experience representing clients in complex commercial, corporate and financial disputes, bankruptcy litigations and white-collar matters before all Swiss courts. A significant part of Flavio’s practice involves cross-border disputes. He also regularly represents clients in proceedings before the Swiss Financial Market Supervisory Authority (FINMA), as well as in other administrative proceedings. Flavio also advises clients in internal and government investigations involving alleged bribery, money laundering, insider trading, fraud and other misconduct.
Professional Experience and Education
and Education
2025 Partner, Lenz & Staehelin 2017-18 Foreign Associate, Quinn Emanuel Urquhart & Sullivan, LLP, New York 2016 Associate, Lenz & Staehelin 2016 Swiss Bar Admission 2013 King's College London (LL.M. in International Financial Law) 2013 University of Zurich (MLaw) -
Specialist Areas
Litigation, White-collar, Investigations -
German, English, Italian, French -
Swiss Bar Association (SAV), Zurich Bar Association (ZAV) -
- Müller D., Affolter Marino A., Delli Colli F., Keine strafprozessualen Garantien bei internen Untersuchungen, in: GesKR (Gesellschafts- und Kapitalmarktrecht), 2/2024, 295
- Müller D., Delli Colli F., Brütsch S., Klarere Konturen für Art. 271 Ziff. 1 StGB, in: GesKR (Gesellschafts- und Kapitalmarktrecht) 1/2022, 115-119
- Müller D., Delli Colli F., Aspekte der Vinkulierung von nicht börsenkotierten Namenaktien, in: GesKR 2020/1, 140-145
- Fischer R., Delli Colli F., Sanierungsbemühungen bei Überschuldung, in: GesKR 2014/2
- Delli Colli F., Rusterholz L., Das geplante Widerrufsrecht im E-Commerce nach OR, in: Jusletter, Weblaw AG, Bern 2014
- Fischer R., Delli Colli F., EuGH: Weiterverkauf gebrauchter Softwarelizenzen ist auch bei online in Verkehr gebrachter Software zulässig: Urteil des EuGH vom 3. Juli 2012, Rechtssache C-128/11, usedSoft GmbH gegen Oracle International Corp, in: sic! 2012/12, 822-829
Contact Details