Shelby R. du Pasquier
Partner, Head of Banking and Finance
Attorney at Law, LL.M., lic. es sc. comm. et ind.
Partner, Head of Banking and Finance Attorney at Law, LL.M., lic. es sc. comm. et ind. +41 58 450 70 00 shelby.dupasquier@lenzstaehelin.com |
Geneva Route de Chêne 30 CH-1211 Geneva www.lenzstaehelin.com |
As a partner and head of our Banking and Finance group in Geneva, Shelby R. du Pasquier is considered a leading lawyer in banking and financial services in Switzerland. He advises several Swiss and international financial institutions, and Swiss and offshore private equity, hedge fund and fund managers. Shelby is a frequent speaker at professional conferences and has contributed to multiple publications on banking and financial law issues and investment funds. He is also a board member of the Swiss National Bank.
Shelby has been singled out by a number of professional directories including Chambers, The Legal 500 and Who's Who Legal as a leading individual in the fields of banking and finance, and investment funds.
Professional Experience and Education
and Education
1994 Partner at Lenz & Staehelin 1988 Joined Lenz & Staehelin 1989 Admission to New York Bar 1988 Columbia University School of Law, New York City (LL.M.) 1986 Admission to Geneva Bar 1983 University of Geneva (lic. iur.) 1981 University of Geneva (lic. es sciences commerciales et industrielles) -
Specialist Areas
Banking and Finance, Investment Funds, Corporate and M&A, Private Clients, Investigations -
French, English, German, Spanish -
International Bar Association (IBA), Swiss Bar Association (SAV), Geneva Bar Association (OdA) -
- Hünerwadel P., du Pasquier S., Tranchet M., Sakkal I., Banking Regulation 2025 - Switzerland, in: Lexology Panoramic, January 2025
- Hünerwadel P., du Pasquier S., Tranchet M., Menoud V., Banking & Finance 2024 - Switzerland, in: Chambers Global Practice Guides, October 2024
- du Pasquier S., Sakkal I., Asset Management 2024 - Switzerland, in: Lexology In-Depth, 13th edition, August 2024
- Hünerwadel P., du Pasquier S., Tranchet M., Sakkal I., Banking Regulation 2024 - Switzerland, in: Lexology Panoramic, March 2024
- du Pasquier S., Switzerland: Key Securities Enforcement Statutes and Provisions, In: GIR, 3rd Edition, November 2023
- du Pasquier S., Sakkal I., The Asset Management Review 2023 - Switzerland, in: The Law Reviews, 12th edition, September 2023
- du Pasquier S., Hünerwadel P., Tranchet M., Menoud V., Meier F., The Banking Regulation Review 2023 - Switzerland, in: The Law Reviews, 14th edition, May 2023
- du Pasquier S., Sakkal I., Public Investment Funds 2023 - Switzerland, in: International Comparative Legal Guides, 6th edition, April 2023, 108-115
- du Pasquier S., Sakkal I., Family offices - Impact de la nouvelle réglementation, in: BSL Banking in Switzerland and Luxembourg, November 2022
- Ehrsam S., Held L., Generalversammlung ab 2023 - neue Welt oder alles wie bisher?, in: iusNet, September 2022
- du Pasquier S., Poskriakov F., Jenny C., Private Banking & Wealth Management 2023 - Switzerland (contributing editors), in: Getting the Deal Through, August 2022, 28-38
- du Pasquier S., Sanctions et neutralité, in: Le Temps, July 2022
- Menoud V., du Pasquier S., Commentaire des art. 21-24, in: Richa/Fischer (eds.), Commentaire romand, Loi sur les services financiers, 1st edition, Basel 2022
- du Pasquier S., Sakkal I., LEFin - LSFin: L'avocat dans le viseur, in: Revue de l'avocat, 4/2020, 158-163
- du Pasquier S., Private Equity 2019 (Fund Formation) - Switzerland, in: Getting the Deal Through, March 2019, 135-141
- Rayroux F., du Pasquier S., Kommentierung von Art. 22 FINMAG, in: Watter/Bahar (eds), Basler Kommentar zum Finanzmarktaufsichtsgesetz/Finanzmarktinfrastrukturgesetz, 3rd edition, Basel 2019, 183-197
- du Pasquier S., Rayroux F., Kommentierung von Art. 20 FINMAG, in: Watter/Bahar (eds), Basler Kommentar zum Finanzmarktaufsichtsgesetz/Finanzmarktinfrastrukturgesetz, 3rd edition, Basel 2019, 172-173
- du Pasquier S., Rayroux F., Kommentierung von Art. 3 FINMAG, in: Watter/Bahar (eds), Basler Kommentar zum Finanzmarktaufsichtsgesetz/Finanzmarktinfrastrukturgesetz, 3rd edition, Basel 2019, 9-20
- du Pasquier S., Menoud V., Kommentierung von Art. 42-42c FINMAG, in: Watter/Bahar (eds), Basler Kommentar zum Finanzmarktaufsichtsgesetz/Finanzmarktinfrastrukturgesetz, 3rd edition, Basel 2019, 1051-1063
- du Pasquier S., Oural M., Swiss Court Acquits Four Individuals in Gazprom Case but New Law May Have Led to a Different Outcome, in: The FCPA Report, volume 5, no. 16, August 2016
- du Pasquier S., Menoud V., Art. 42, 44-47, 49, 57-59 and 84-85a VAG, in: Hsu/Stupp (eds), Basler Kommentar zum Versicherungsaufsichtsgesetz, Basel 2013
Other Activities
Admitted as an expert to the SIX Swiss Exchange for Listing Purposes.
Member of the Committee of the Swiss Bar Association (SAV) Self Regulatory Organization as regards Money Laundering Matters (2000-2008).
Member of the IBA Sub-Committee I1 (Private Funds) (2001-2005).
Board member of several companies, including the Swiss National Bank and SGS Société Générale de Surveillance SA.
Contact Details
Other Activities
Admitted as an expert to the SIX Swiss Exchange for Listing Purposes.
Member of the Committee of the Swiss Bar Association (SAV) Self Regulatory Organization as regards Money Laundering Matters (2000-2008).
Member of the IBA Sub-Committee I1 (Private Funds) (2001-2005).
Board member of several companies, including the Swiss National Bank and SGS Société Générale de Surveillance SA.
He is the only one we trust for banking regulatory topics and cross-border issues with the US.
Chambers and Partners, 2024Shelby du Pasquier's track record in the investment management arena has earned him a fantastic reputation in the financial sector.
Who's Who Legal, 2024He stands out in terms of quality, expertise and skill sets.
Chambers and Partners, 2023He is very articulate and a clever lawyer.
Chambers and Partners, 2023Shelby du Pasquier has an extremely strong (and perfectly well deserved) reputation. He is highly regarded for his longstanding experience and his deep knowledge and understanding of the Swiss, international and cross-border banking industry.
The Legal 500, 2023Undoubtedly top tier
Who's Who Legal, 2023Big name in the banking space
Chambers and Partners, 2022Shelby du Pasquier is “well regarded in the field” and applauded as “outstandingly good” in domestic and cross-border banking and finance matters.
Who's Who Legal, 2022Shelby du Pasquier is "a very well-known name for investigations" who frequently works with high-profile domestic and international financial institutions.
Who's Who Legal, 2022Understands the legal and regulatory landscape to perfection and delivers pragmatic and precise advice.
Chambers and Partners, 2021Shelby du Pasquier has a wealth of experience which simply sets him apart from the competition.
Legal 500, 2021When focusing on the big picture he is forward looking, solution orientated and practical and in the day-to-day handling of the files; decisive, swift and steady. Shelby’s advice is particularly valuable in the management of complex regulatory files.
Legal 500, 2021Incredibly experienced, focused, very pragmatic and to the point
Chambers and Partners, 2020An exceptionally smart thinker
Chambers and Partners, 2020Exceptional work advising on high-value banking and finance transactions
Who's Who Legal, 2020Impressive work advising private clients on finance-related matters
Who's Who Legal, 2020A pre-eminent lawyer
Legal 500, 2019