Valérie Menoud
Partner, Co-Head of Investigations, Head of ESG
Dr. iur., Attorney at Law, LL.M.
Partner, Co-Head of Investigations, Head of ESG Dr. iur., Attorney at Law, LL.M. +41 58 450 70 00 valerie.menoud@lenzstaehelin.com |
Geneva Route de Chêne 30 CH-1211 Geneva www.lenzstaehelin.com |
Dr. Valérie Menoud is a partner and a leading practitioner in our Banking and Finance group. She co-leads the Investigations practice and heads the ESG practice in Geneva. Valérie specializes in banking, financial services, and corporate law, with deep experience in regulatory enforcement cases, regulatory licensing, compliance, governance, and contractual matters. She is also highly skilled in incident management, assisting clients in navigating complex, high-stakes situations with clarity and precision. Her practice includes advising on sanctions compliance as well as business and human rights matters, such as sustainability reporting and supply chain due diligence. Valérie regularly speaks at professional conferences and has contributed to numerous academic publications on banking, financial, and corporate law.
Professional Experience and Education
and Education
2021 Partner at Lenz & Staehelin 2016 Secondment at Mayer Brown, NewYork 2012 Secondment at FINMA 2011 Joined Lenz & Staehelin 2005-08 University of Zurich (research and teaching assistant) 2015 Stanford Law School (LL.M. in Corporate Governance & Practice) 2011 Admission to Geneva Bar 2010 University of Zurich (Dr. iur., Issekutz Award) 2005 Universities of Lausanne and Zurich (lic. iur.) -
Specialist Areas
Banking and Finance, Capital Markets, Collective Investment Schemes, Commercial and Contracts, Corporate and M&A, Investigations -
French, English, German, Italian -
International Bar Association (IBA), Swiss Bar Association (FSA), Geneva Bar Association (OdA), Geneva Association of Business Lawyers (AGDA), Cercle suisse des administratrices -
- Menoud V., Ben Hattar A., The Swiss bankers association's portfolio management guidelines and digital assets, in: CapLaw-2025-05
- Hünerwadel P., du Pasquier S., Tranchet M., Sakkal I., Banking Regulation 2025 - Switzerland, in: Lexology Panoramic, January 2025
- Menoud V., ESG in 2024, in: Financier Worldwide, November 2024, 31-41
- Hünerwadel P., du Pasquier S., Tranchet M., Menoud V., Banking & Finance 2024 - Switzerland, in: Chambers Global Practice Guides, October 2024
- Menoud V., Meier F., Portfolio Managers and ESG: A brief overview of the Swiss regulatory landscape, in: Association Suisse des Gestionnaires de fortune (ASG) Newsletter, December 2022
- Menoud V., Sakkal I., Commentaire des art. 28-34, in: Richa/Fischer (eds.), Commentaire romand, Loi sur les services financiers, 1st edition, Basel 2022
- Menoud V., du Pasquier S., Commentaire des art. 21-24, in: Richa/Fischer (eds.), Commentaire romand, Loi sur les services financiers, 1st edition, Basel 2022
- Menoud V., Kommentierung von Art. 72-75 FINIG and 93-96 FIDLEG, in: Bahar/Watter (eds.), Basler Kommentar zum Finanzdienstleistungsgesetz/ Finanzinstitutsgesetz, Basel 2022
- du Pasquier S., Menoud V., Kommentierung von Art. 42-42c FINMAG, in: Watter/Bahar (eds), Basler Kommentar zum Finanzmarktaufsichtsgesetz/Finanzmarktinfrastrukturgesetz, 3rd edition, Basel 2019, 1051-1063
- Menoud V., Obligations LBA et responsabilité de la banque à la lumière de l'ATF 143 III 653, in: GesKR (Gesellschafts- und Kapitalmarktrecht) 2/2018, 184-193
- Menoud V., Rethinking Bank Corporate Governance: Why We Should Not Dismiss (Quasi-) Partnership Models, in: Grosz/Grünewald (eds.), Recht und Wandel: Festschrift für Rolf H. Weber, Zur-ich/Basel/Geneva 2016, 275-294
- du Pasquier S., Menoud V., Art. 42, 44-47, 49, 57-59 and 84-85a VAG, in: Hsu/Stupp (eds), Basler Kommentar zum Versicherungsaufsichtsgesetz, Basel 2013
- Menoud V., The Supervision of Financial Conglomerates - A Study of the Swiss Regulatory Framework in Light of International Developments, Doctoral Thesis, Zurich/Basel/Geneva 2010
- Menoud V., Le secret bancaire face au juge civil et commercial en droit suisse, in: Revue Lamy Droit des Affaires, May 2010, 59-64
- Menoud V., Weber ., Development Promotion as a Secondary Policy in Public Procurement? An Answer in the Light of the Digital Solidarity Clause, in: Public Procurement Law Review 2009, 184-200
- Menoud V., Weber ., The Digital Solidarity Clause - An Analysis in the Light of Contract, Public Procurement, and Competition Law, in: Gauch/Werro/Pichonnaz (eds.), Mélanges en l'honneur de Pierrer Tercier, Zurich/Basel/Geneva 2008, 471-494
- Menoud V., Haro sur le secret bancaire - Une analyse motivée par les récentes discussions internationales, in: Mühlemann/Mannhart (eds.), Freiheit ohne Grenzen - Grenzen der Freiheit, Zurich 2008, 197 et seqq.
- Weber ., Menoud V., The Information Society and the Digital Divide, Legal Strategies to Finance Global Access, ZIK vol. 40, Zurich/Basel/Geneva 2008
- Menoud V., Weber ., Systemic Risks as a Topic of Financial Conglomerates' Prudential Supervision, in: Banking & Finance Law Review, vol. 22, no. 3, 2007, 377-403
- Menoud V., Weber ., Financial Conglomerates: Consolidated Supervision in the Light of the Basel II Implementation, in: SZW 2006, 20-31
Other Activities
Part-time Lecturer, Business Law, University of Lausanne (HEC) (2015-2017)
Contact Details
Other Activities
Part-time Lecturer, Business Law, University of Lausanne (HEC) (2015-2017)
The Swiss bankers association's portfolio management guidelines and digital assets
in: CapLaw-2025-05