Turning disputes into success
We combine decades of experience with creative thinking that’s forensically thorough. It’s the foundation for the civil, administrative and criminal litigation, international arbitration and high-profile corporate investigations that have made us a market leader. Whatever your sector or challenge, our talented team of over 50 dispute resolution lawyers can work both across the firm and borders delivering cost-effective, target-focused case handling.
Recognised as one of Switzerland’s leading M&A, takeover and shareholders’ litigators, we also act in banking and finance litigation for major corporations and individuals, as well as advise private clients on wealth management and inheritance disputes. And our Swiss footprint is large. It means we can defend our clients’ interests in all German- and French-speaking Cantons – also regularly delivering client success before the Swiss federal courts and administrative authorities, including Swiss Federal Supreme Court appeals.
Our experience in increasingly complex international arbitration is unique. It’s seen us involved in several hundred cases, acting either as counsel or arbitrators, conducted under all major arbitration rules including the ICC, Swiss Arbitration Centre, LCIA, UNCITRAL and SIAC. Our multilingual team can conduct cases in English, French, German, Italian and Spanish. Most of our lawyers have qualifications or practical experience in common law jurisdictions. A number of lawyers are also qualified to practise in foreign jurisdictions, including the US.
Main Contacts
- Barbara Abegg
- Anja Affolter Marino
- Sevan Antreasyan
- Adriana Armenian
- Géraldine Auberson
- Nathalie Aymon
- Simona Baselgia
- Charles Beltjens
- Laura Berinde
- Laurie Bordier
- Ségolène Bosshard
- Susanne Brütsch
- Helin Dalla Palma
- Katerina Daskalopoulou
- Diane Delabays
- Robin Entenza
- Agnieszka Evangelatos
- Marc Fierro
- Alissa Fourati
- Jutta Gangsted
- Daniela Guggenbühl
- Alexandre Guisan
- Shirane Halpérin
- David Hitz
- Dilan Inkaya
- Tim Isler
- Evan Kohler
- Jannick Koller
- Jan Küng
- Philip Lengacher
- Jil Leuthold
- Peter Ling
- Chloé Löffel
- Yves Loher
- Eva Müller
- Céline Nabaa
- Elena Nauer
- Nadia Ohlhoff-Smahi
- Anna Pellizzari
- Laure Prevignano
- Nico Ravazzolo
- Jacomo Restellini
- Gian Riz à Porta
- Noemi Rizza
- Sara Rousselle-Ruffieux
- Nicolas Rouvinez
- Aoife Ryan
- Clara Samson
- Tanja Schmidt
- Antonia Schmidt
- Ilya Skurikhin
- Katerina Strataridaki
- Loïc Stucki
- Sinem Süslü
- Mathilde Tafti
- Sandro Travaglini
- Alessandro Trillini
- Rudolf Tschäni
- Leonard Vijverberg
- Adrien Vion
- Tatanja Vlk
- Lorenz von Arx
- Basil Wächli
- Justine Wadhera
- Ueli Weber
- Quentin Wisard
- Xin Ye
- Nahilé Zufferey
- Anna Züst
Zur Parteirollenverteilung im Arresteinspracheverfahren nach Art. 278 SchKG
in: Peroz A., Haldy J., Piotet D. (Hrsg.), Du Plaict aux plaideurs – Mélanges en l'honneur du Professeur Denis Tappy
L'expertise privée en procédure civile: considérations pratiques à la lumière de l'art. 177 nCPC
in: Anwaltsrevue|Revue de l'avocat, Numéro 5|2024, p. 199 ss.